Wyoming Witch

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As a whole, society is way too free about misgendering. But a targeted protest to someone who can actually effect change is absolutely ok

The video was amazing.

I really wish I had the sort of money to take out a billboard on Tim’s daily commute just to call him by the wrong pronouns.

Genius. Pure. Genius.

Maybe if he gOt A hAiRcUt people would stop calling him madam.

(That was my boomer impersonation)

I love it but ugh, doesn’t he look like one of those angry witch hunters in the old drawings?

This is what I do and wish many others would do. Whenever a person makes a big stink about respecting others preferred pronouns I go out of my way to purposely misgender them.

Because if you don’t care about a trans persons pronouns my ass sure as hell won’t care about yours.

I loved her….the anyway! As he just blinked

Trans people can’t get away with misgendering unaccountable, transphobic cis people in retaliation, but cis people? You can, and it actually bothers them a lot.

He was so butthurt. There’s a video on r/Wyoming and it’s dead ass hilarious. Unfortunately this is my state, but she’s my hero right now lol!

[Edit: Link to the vid](https://www.reddit.com/r/wyoming/s/0AOMUGSmbT)

This is honestly the best way to tackle it. These fuckers don’t understand or tolerate anything that doesn’t have something to do with them directly. So make pronouns uncomfortable for them then. *Make them* experience the gender dysphoria of being called the wrong thing. *Make them care*

That was absolutely brilliant. Britt Borril, you are my hero!

I just saw this video. 10/10. No notes. Chef’s kiss.

And he really didn’t like it either.

I’m so bothered that this isn’t happening more often. It is such an easy way to ridicule and underscore the terrible take gender and pronouns

I love this.


Love her!!!!!!!!!!

Magnificent – watching this video on repeat!! ✨ 🧹

I saw that and it was BEAUTIFUL. I’ve re-watched it at least a dozen times now! 😆🥰

Her “anyway” gave me energy to last through the weekend.


Highly recommend watching the video, she’s so calm and well spoken while they bumble around in response.

She is a fucking icon and I want nothing but the best for her

I was talking to my bf and his sister about pronouns and they were essentially like, “waaah it’s too hard to remember, too much effort, what if I get it wrong?” And I was like, “…they’ll correct you.”

People are goddamn ridiculous, may the goddesses shower praise upon Britt Borril!

Perfect. 🤩

Fun fact James David Vance was originally named James Donald Bowman at birth but changed it because his father was a dick.

So, I always call him James Donald just like I still call that social media platform Elon ruined Twitter.

How’s it going out there, WY? I miss you.


She did a great job at being so nonchalant about it too! She was like “Anyways…”. I love her and I’m taking notes!

Yeah, the clip is EPIC! 😂😍😂


I watched that clip about 20 times in a row. It was beautiful.

I tip my witch hat to thee 🔥

I am willing to misgender everyone in the name of malicious compliance.

I watched that video so many times omfg it’s fucking hilarious i love it so much

r/chaoticgood would love this. Let’s fuckin goooo

oh and he got pissy about it too

Loved this video. “I don’t like it when you misgender me.” Yeah. Nobody does.


*May I also add, I read that title as “mad man” at first and was confused for way too long lol

That’s it. I’m calling her Ms. Donatella Jane Turnip from now on.


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