X Marks The Rot

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X, Twitter, bye bye

I just got mine deleted 3 days ago. I don’t miss it.

Deleted mine the day Felon took over Tweeter.

Thanks for the reminder. I had deleted the app, but now I’m going to delete my account too.

Never had one to begin with!

I deleted shortly after Elon took over twitter. It was always pretty toxic and negative, but it became much worse immediately after he took ownership

I deleted my account long before Nazi Elon. I deleted it when I realized the dude can’t make a useful algorithm to save his life. Pure junk on twitter. Zero value. Sadly, because I know some tried to use is as a legit platform for their content.

I deleted it as soon as it had an x

Forgot to delete mine until recently. Good riddance

Didn’t use it much, Deleted!


Had one, never used it, now deleted.

Deleted mine yesterday!

Now trying out Bluesky and Mastodon.

I don’t think deleting really matters. Just stop going on it. I haven’t been on Twitter in 2 months.

Wow, this is great. Where is this?

I don’t miss it. I was only using it for sports teams. Now it’s gone, never to return.

Anyone able to find a “clean” version of this image? (as in, high quality and without reflections?

I need it for.. things.. and stuff..

Who paid for this?

Be honest do you still have an account? I had one from 2010 to 2013 and I feel like those where the golden years. If you do, why?

Never had one NEVER will. Quit FB in 2012, I knew what the lizard man was.

Did it right when he bought Twitter, I’m ahead of the game for once.

The night he saluted

Don’t delete your account (a bot will take it). Turn it private and let it sit.

“X marks the rot.” What a riot!

rain world reference

American History Formerly known as Twitter is the best one I’ve seen so far.


Use Spade

There’s nothing more cathartic than stopping to use that shit site/ platform.

It’s not good getting attached to any one thing, especially when there are so many other better alternatives now….and let’s be real, Twitter as a platform has been seriously neglected and has stagnated badly. When it was under the previous ownership, you at least could see they were trying to do better and improve the site. Elon has only made it into a worse cesspool than it already was.

Yeah I just deleted mine 🙂

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