[Yankees] Statement from Yankees Managing General Partner Hal Steinbrenner on the alteration of Yankees facial hair policy:

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Devin Williams already historic

Took one look at Devin Williams‘ chin and said “this policy is stupid.”

“… but to be clear, it’s beards *only.*  No mustaches.  I want a team of Amish-looking fellas.”

Holy shit. I never thought I’d see the day.

Devin Williams saved baseball

tf are we supposed to bitch about now?

Oh no…oh no…it’s Dad-strength Aaron Judge with a beard

This is the worst possible timeline

“…after great consideration” is sending me. Like Hal spent several sleepless nights contemplating whether he should or shouldn’t let grown men grow a beard

This is historic. I never thought this would ever change. What a time.

First they introduced the pitch clock. Now Yankees will have beards.

Game moving too fast – I’m an old head and haven’t even hit 35. I’m cooked gang.

r/baseball’s 12/25

End of an era. Mattingly! Regrow those sideburns! Post haste!

Devin Williams clearly complained LOL. I wonder who’s gonna be rocking one.


They still have to be well-groomed so no Brandon Marsh style beards.

We used to be a country. A proper country.


All of r/baseball today

Can’t wait to hear the WFAN caller takes about this one

I couldn’t imagine shaving my face clean every day, although the multi-million dollars a year would make me do it.

Devin Williams’ beard died for this

Nike Swoosh on the jersey, a shoulder patch ad, no longer the biggest spender in the league, and now they’re allowing beards.

Beards were the last remnant of the Evil Empire at its peak

They could have given Devin Williams a heads up this was happening

Brandon Marsh come on down

lol sorry Devin. Bad timing but glad this is finally happening. Can Rougned Odor come back for a game?


They have ads on the jerseys. They can have beards.

I honestly hate the change. I think it’s much more appropriate that they have an outdated, tyrannical, pointless policy that annoys their players. It’s the Yankees, there SHOULD be something to make you look like a goofy sellout when you join the team. They’re not supposed to look cool, they’re supposed to look like the Yankees.

game’s gone.

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