Yeah, I’m extremely delusional

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His only weakness: a giant magnet

Korean metals are found in most cabinet hardware sections.

Participation trophies

We need you to go out and check that target on the Anti Aircraft gun range. No, not that one, just a little to the left, more…more. Perfect, stand there.


They can wear medals appointed to their ancestors. So given the severe nepotism of their society, many of those would be from their forefathers. That and they’ll hand out medals instead of things like food or payment since they don’t really have food or money to give out

Where does he go from here?

reddit makes my day all day everyday

guilty as charged hahaha


seen this meme like 100s of time

He’s got one for standing outside, one for standing inside, and rumors say he shot a gun once so that’s 3 more medals right there.

PUBG players every new season

Weakness: Magneto

That guy got all the Cub Scout merit badges

Me with my Facebook fan badges.

those are some fancy nipple covers


Give yourself another medal, General.

His body armor is impressive, but can still get shot in.

Didn’t earn even one of them. Wow the second fat person I have seen in North Korea.

Can someone explain?

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