That time only I’ll go away from phone and do something
7 hours ago
It’s incredible that for some people it’s so important to speak to me that they call three times daily but not important enough to leave a single voice message or text message.
That reads to me as a salesperson or someone else who likes getting people on the spot so they agree to shit because they don’t have time to think.
6 hours ago
Wait you take your phone out of your pocket when it rings?
Introverts ☕
That time only I’ll go away from phone and do something
It’s incredible that for some people it’s so important to speak to me that they call three times daily but not important enough to leave a single voice message or text message.
That reads to me as a salesperson or someone else who likes getting people on the spot so they agree to shit because they don’t have time to think.
Wait you take your phone out of your pocket when it rings?