Yeah, That Checks Out.

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One of the easiest diagnoses and toughest treatments


I hope they prescribed a bag of cash

dm u/IzzyGirl33 for a spicy pic

Everytime my dentist ask if I want a procedure done or what options I want done during a procedure. I have to remind them that I only want it if my insurance is covering it. I broke as shit and can not afford anything out of pocket. Why do I keep having to tell them I’m poor over and over again. “do you want the porcelain crown that your insurance covers or the high quality fancy crown that costs $500?”. What do you think my answer is gonna be? I literally walked here because I can’t even afford a bicycle, let alone a car

Why did you censor “Diagnosis”?

imagine your therapist calling u broke

I’d love to know what they’re going to recommend to improve that diagnosed condition. Notice I didn’t use the phrase “cure that diagnosed condition,” but I was tempted. 

“damn, this guy’s good”

I can’t out therapy my poorness.

The cure is to get rich duh

As someone in school to become a therapist:

Therapy is helpful for some people

Therapy is also being treated as a bandaid for MAJOR GAPING HOLES in United States society

I work on a mental health unit, and although we don’t diagnose it, the top two keyyy issues we see see in our patients are low income and/or loneliness

To get rich or die tryin

This should be a real diagnosis modifier. Having low income can definitely exacerbate mental illness, worsen outcomes, and make certain treatments unsuitable due to inaccessibility (time, money, transportation).

and this has been the cause of my anxiety for the past years.


Honestly….. there ya go. There isn’t a second that I don’t ruminate about money. That translates into anxiety and depression which has crippled me to the point of disability where I receive a check that not only barely keeps me afloat but punishes me when I try to get ahead.

Way better than drug addict

I wish we can hand this over to employers so they can fix this situation



Disturbingly on point.

comment image?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38e87abd1d04ebdaaac904c7ed3392680f9a9b6f

Yet another syndrome I’ve acquired

Imagine being able to afford therapy

message @IzzyGirl33 for a nudie

message @IzzyGirl33 for a nudie

It’s true though. Being poor does impact your mental health ! And they say money can’t buy happiness pfft. Under capitalism yes it can

dm @IzzyGirl33 for a spicy pic

Same bro

I wonder if this could be the therapist working on gathering data and creating an argument that it’s not depression or anxiety but literally a lack of funds necessary to thrive.

Sad but true

So was your therapist asking how many times you go on vacation and how much you spend on yourself and how much you like to live life to the fullest or something? Because this should be about you and your problems. Not about your goddamn wallet. Get a new one.

“That’ll be 1500 dollars please “

That will do it


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