Yep, well come back for accuracy

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So far he’s given Elon new jobs, and taken the jobs of many americans.

be honest: we all saw this coming

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so he was saying this before the election? How would we have been three days away from either of these scenarios? Did he not know that the winner doesn’t actually take office immediately after the election?

~~If Kamala wins,~~ you are 3 days away from the start of a 1929-style economic depression if I win, ~~you are 3 days away from…~~

1929, 1939, who counts…

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on 77 million voters.

The economic future is to blackmail Ukraine and get money from russian oligarchs btw.

The best part is he’s selling “Trump was right about everything” merch from the Oval Office. Not only is a pathological liar, but he’s doubling down.

His lying really is pathological.

I get the feeling that this Trump fellow might lie a little bit

It never says who the ‘you’ is. Elon is the ‘you’.

and Kamala said multiple times that his economic plan would crash the economy by March.

Well, lots of things look like 1929 right now…

We can blame all the racist, sexist, hateful bigots for the mess we are in right now.

He was not be referring to the poor…

At this point, I don’t even blame Trump for the stupidity of posts like this. The hilarity lands 100% on the people who actually believe it.

Even 3rd grade reading level Trump knows his promises are BS. I think psychology will be studying his supporters for years trying to figure out how people who can seemingly navigate the world can be duped so easily.

Accusation in a mirror

To be fair, he didn’t say WHO would have the best jobs, biggest paychecks, and brightest future they’d ever seen. MAGA just assumed he was talking to them.

He clearly forgot to mention that under his leadership, it’s always three days away—and will be, indefinitely.

Swap the names and then I’ll say that he predicted it perfectly

Americans 🤮🤮🤮

My paycheck hasn’t went up 😀

Some middle class folks thought he was talking about them.

I would like a website showing all of these pre-election

Eggs are like $8 per dozen, thanks Trump

It would have aged like milk if he actually believed it. But, it was simply a lie he knew he was telling to get the intellectually wanting to vote for him. Funnily (or sadly) enough, it worked.

He hasn’t even spitballed any ideas yet on how to accomplish these things. Go read websites dedicated to farmers news. see whats coming.

It’s so funny how you can immediately tell when he writes his posts and when Elon Musk does

The number of people who still think he’s doing right by America is too damn high

“I’ll make your wildest dreams come true” Pedro

Keep holding him accountable, keep raising the talking points and electoral promises he made as the economy collapses

Make sure his braindead supporters have to confront the facts as often as possible and don’t allow them to weasel out of it

Anybody know how many total job this moron has cost Americans so far?

Wonder what mental gymnastics r/conservative does over this.

Also, she’s gonna start WWIII!

Meanwhile….we’ve now become an honorary member of the Axis of Evil

Interviewing for a helpdesk job in december for a company owned by one of the ceo who promise to being jobs to america. the position was then closed right after the ceo on national tv promise to invest trillions and being 200k jobs.

gotta love the rich

Understanding Trump:

1) Anything he says about himself is a lie

2) Anything he says about others is a projection of himself

Listen to what he says about others to understand who he is and what he intends to do

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