Yes, in Europe is free speech censored.

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Clearly Vance is giving signals heโ€™s after diplomatic asylum.

I’m starting to feel that the sci-fi writers of the 70s and 80s were not writing actually sci-fi but somehow they foresaw the future, and their distopic novels are getting more and more accurate depictions of our near future.

But nobody ever confronts these idiots with their contradictions. Journos just ask these twats softball questions all the time.

As the management of a news agency, I would withdraw all my reporters from these White House press conferences until AP is allowed to participate again. The freedom of speech and the freedom of the press are on the line.

Who the hell is this mascara guy lecturing Europeans ?

We have to get back to the times when idiots were not allowed to speak.

when the girlfriend/boyfriend you just caught cheating accuses you of cheating.

Also White House can no longer use the word “felon” AFAIK.
I think one has to be stupid if they don’t see that “free speech” has become a dogwhistle for “allowing bigotry and hate crimes without repercussions”.

It’s Gaslighting. They are not normal, don’t let them convince you otherwise.
Musk did the sig heil twice and no one left. They are all Nazis.

It’s right out of the fascist playbook. Create division, make your opponents seem like monsters, all while you do the exact things you accuse others of.

USA is slipping fast into autoritarianism. It’s always been a pretty flawed democracy, but right now these people are setting up things so that there wont be a next free election at all anymore. To do that, they need to make their own support base think that they are the only ones who can protect them from the evil outside world.

Give the get far right unfettered freedom of speech and soon you’ll find yourself without yours.

USA gaslighting bigtime. It actually triggers me.

Holy hypocrisy!

PSI: there is no such thing as “freedom of speech” in Germany (by law). The Germans have a “freedom of opinion” (by law).

Dropping alternative facts and hate speech is everything else but no freedom of speech.

“There is no free speech on Europe”

So what? You are not living in Europe.

I’m not sure if the codespeak is similar over in Europe, but in the US there is a specific translation for claims like this from people like vance.

“Free speech” means the freedom of the far right to do and say whatever the hell they want without challenge or contest. “Censorship” is when they are banned or not allowed on a platform because of said speech, because to them “freedom of speech” means something different for them than the rest of us.

It’s not hypocrisy. It’s power. They only have freedom of speech if you don’t. This is a dog whistle for fascists and nazis, but the dog whistle is a bullhorn.

4 yrs of American ISIS

They are trying to build a narrative where they are excused from attacking european property.

Funny that a guy like him hates trans people but wears eyeliner, forbids pronouns but somehow says we are against free speech and said trump was the next hitler to then become his VPโ€ฆ

It’s so funny how Americans go on about how they’re the only free country in the world, yet there’s so much that is banned.

Yep Europe they censor you reddit censors

I seriously have a hard time to trust a democracy that has just one party more available for election than north korea

Reading certain subs, it is interesting how this is proclaimed as having nothing to do with freedom of speech, it seems to them, they can do no wrong, all the while accusing ‘the left’ of doing everything wrong.

This the same government that bans reporters for calling a body of water the name it’s given globally?

The sheer amount of hypocrisy and blatant misinformation coming from the Trumpsters are giving me nosebleeds.

If you disagree with the Administration, then you lose the *privilege* to ask us questions.

We arn’t the ones trying to ban TilTok. Or banning outlets from access like the White House has to the Pentagon. Or spending years arguing over russian interference in the 2016 election. Or making sure journalists receive death threats by throwing accusations at them during election rallys.

“Your so-called ‘freedom of speech’ is our freedom to ignore or ridicule. Good day!”

Why was he even allowed to enter the EU?

The real capitulation, however, comes from blind fanboys who cheer after Vance’s speech, believing he cares about free speech.

I watched Vanced… laughed at all the 2 claps he got. He is so delulu… fml

It is sooo Russian style of politics that Iโ€™m surprised that Putinโ€™s portrait is not yet in the Oval Office.

When people say โ€œUSA army would reject attack on its Canadians brothersโ€ itโ€™s literally Russia in 2012 or something

I would say there should be an neutral and incorruptible instance driven by scientific facts that stands above every government which decides the correct definition of words and is able to enforce / point out their correct use.

Free speech was implemented for the spread of **truth** and **facts**, as a voice for the **unrighteously** **oppressed** and not for the justification of **lies** and **misinformation**.

It is so incredibly twisted how more and more people and governments use the free speech or freedom argument to commit crimes and spread lies.

They are becoming quite boring. They’re lucky because they have a lot of money, but as we say: “a laugh will bury them”

Can we stop giving those nutcases anymore attention? Honestly, itโ€™d about time the people of USA rose up!

Free speech is the detail here. It is true, their side does not censor speech, it floods social media with their crap and has some nonsense for every type of rational thing.

It works better than censoring the opposite side when you are the loudest.

Unfortunately there is only way out of this, when the public gets saturated and when their ideas will be tested enough by the public (with disastrous results) this nonsense flooding speech will become obsolete.

America is in decline. Divest.

It is a nice illustration to the dangers of having a higher source claiming what to be correct ‘information’. Tommorow Trump government could attempt to coerce and pressure many of this sources to be in line with his worldviews and anyone who opposes him could become promoter of hate speech or a conspiracy theorist.

If you say something bad about trump on X, you will be censored too.

I guess they think since you can’t salute Hitler in most of Europe, Europe MUST have free speech problems

I just moved to Italy from America about 6 weeks ago (planned move for like 2 years). I know my new country has its problems but god damn are my stress levels much lower here.

Nazi and Nazi sympathisers don’t deserve to be heard.

Irony is banned in the USA

More and more European countries are looking to elect these fascist fuckers, while crying and screaming that “other parties aren’t talking about banning immigrationnnnnnn wahhhhhh!!!”

Free speech is censored? A criminal who also sports other criminals is speaking in Europe even though he is from the US. Thatโ€™s free speech to me. Why are we even listening to this criminal?

Europe operates on freedom of opinion instead of freedom of speech.
You are allowed to express your opinion freely BUT that does not mean you won’t get retaliation for that.
In generally your freedom of opinion/speech ends where the freedom of another starts

Its true for both places


Isn’t this just noise? BND and CIA work together and as a result work with German Politicians.
American politics has always had a huge impact on Germany.

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