Yes, very pathetic and embarrassing!!

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I’m surprised he didn’t talk about the halftime show..

Oh that’s right because his fat ass left before that.

Does this dummy not do sports? She is the poster child for the Chiefs, the Eagles fans oppose anyone that represents their enemies, point blank

How embarrassing he is, the best part this is going into the presidential archives, so future generations can read how crazy this fucker was.

Trump was actually booed. I don’t know if she was or not though.

People boo at sporting events. They boo the other team. They boo the fans of the other team. They boo the celebrity love interests of the other team. There’s no malice behind it. It’s all in fun.

Now, booing Trump is another thing entirely . . .

He’s such an embarrassment, can you imagine any other president other than maybe nixon doing this. Such a petty little baby.

Trump is always going after the big issues. Everyone in America has been super concerned about Swift’s popularity. What a hero

Trump is one mental sad bastard.

Our entire country is being boo’d because of Trump. See: any sporting event in Canada that plays our anthem since he staged his coup.

This is the most childish behavior I have ever seen… and this is a president 😖. I feel like I am living in some kind of movie … when is “the end” ?

He’s not a real leader. He’s not a real president. He’s not a real businessman. He’s not a real conservative. He’s not a real Christian. He’s a pathetic, narrow-minded, moron and conman.

I really don’t understand the hate Taylor swift gets. It’s weird. I’m not a massive fan of her music (some of it is alright) but I wouldn’t say she’s some terrible person.

Whoever wrote this, thank you!

We are all learning so much about DARVO and narrissictic behaviors this year… I mean 21 days.

Not sorry the eagles won!

Maga being very unforgiving is very Christian of them

The irony….coming from a guy who left half way through hahaha

Taylor’s living her best life, making millions, and dating an NFL star. Meanwhile, Trump is rage-tweeting from a golf cart. Who’s really taking the L here?

They booed the fuck outta him.

I remember when P O.T.U.S. used to mean President Of The United States, and not Piece Of Totally Useless Shit….

Oh, you mean as bad as he was booed!? I think his was worse.

There’s video going around of him walking onto the field before the game and he’s being booed and called a traitor.. but you won’t find it on MSM

I read several conservative news sites and they all said Trump got cheers and Swift got boos. Then I watched the videos people in general posted. The screams of “traitor!” and the loud boos made me wonder if any of those conservative news reporters had actually been there. Conservative sites even scrubbed the boos from their videos and incerted canned cheers. No wonder this lying, rapist, convicted felon was voted into office!

Motherfucker, you got booed, and you left early.

The best part is that this whole thing started because he made a blatant lied that she had endorsed him, so she felt compelled to clarify who she planned to vote for.

Wait, he was booed too

He got booed too but they didn’t air that.

Someone made a great point about MAGA being unforgiving and the point was that Christians are supposed to forgive.

What a petty little pathetic human.

Meanwhile any kind of videos on tik Tok booing Trump at the Superbowl has been deleted

“MAGA is very unforgiving” in case you needed further proof this dude is the anti-Christ. Forgiveness was kind of his whole thing.

What a fucking loser. Grow up.

To think that there was a time when behavior like this would invoke the 25th amendment and result in tall burly men in white coats whisking you off for “observation”. The level of immaturity, imbecility and insanity of this man and his supporters never ceases to astound me, and that over half of voters voted for him.

We really do need to split into two countries, the USA, and DumbFuckistan.

Hey Donald, you and Taylor are never ever getting back together!

Is MAGA not boycotting NFL anymore?

I don’t have to imagine. He’s been using social media like hormonal 13-year-old girl for over ten years now.

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