Yet Another School Shooting In America (Madison, WI)

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I walked by the TV in the break room and I’m saddened by the lack of shock I feel anymore.

This post is already 5 minutes old.. it’s time to move on and stop politicizing.

Hey, hold on now. We are still *trying* to figure out what happened with that CEO. This event will pass, but we need to first figure out why someone would go after a death panel leader. /s


Have any details become available? Was there fatalities?

If we’re not going to institute stricter gun laws it’s time to start holding the fucking parents accountable when shit like this happens. There is zero reason a child should have access to a weapon.

I can’t imagine what those families are going through right now. Can’t imagine burying your kids at Christmas.

Obviously not shooting anyone is ideal, but in lieu of that option how do we get these psychopaths to go to board rooms instead of schools?

What gets into someone’s head to go shoot children in a school, 😴

Imagine any school shooting. Then have that many CEOs get shot in the same day. I bet we’d have gun control then.

If this is anything like the shooting in Michigan I hope the parents get charged, but I don’t have high hopes for Wisconsin doing the right thing

It’s thoughts and prayers time again!

If CEOs got shot as often as school kids, would we have meaningful gun control? Asking for a friend.

Guess it’s time for The Onion to run this headline again: “‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens”

Does America even have any thoughts and prayers left to give?

Nothing will happen. This can repeat every day for the next 5 years and nothing will change. It’s the price they’re willing to pay in order to hold on to their guns. Morons.

So, apparently the shooter was a youth. When are we going to start actually addressing the shit that is causing kids to lose it in the first place and decide this is the only recourse left available to them?

The guns and shooting are just symptoms of the underlying cause… which nobody is addressing.

“It could have been worse. The reason it was not worse is because law enforcement officials did what they do.”

Gov. Greg Abbott, the day after the Ulvade massacre.

This is certainly more heartbreaking than the death of some CEO

I can’t wait to hear Ben Shapiro and his ilk say the left is celebrating this right along with the based assassination

Considering all that is going on, I really don’t understand why Americans aren’t constantly in the streets and striking. Why are people just accepting this shit?

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To say this is my worst nightmare is an understatement. I know thoughts are useless but every single one of these events rattles around in my brain for quite a while after seeing the news…

We went 12 days without a school shooting. Nice.

If the 1% got shot as much as innocent school kids did – there’d be a ban on guns by next week.

Guess we’ll just have to “get over it”

“No way to prevent this”

says only country in the world where this happens regularly.

Shit. I thought we had quit doing these on favor of ceo slaying

Apparently the ATF responded, which is weird since I don’t see any details about a dog attack.

Time for some more thoughts and prayers. That should fix it

You just need to convince the government and cops that all these dying kids are future CEO’s. Then they might actual try to do something about it.

Ya’ll are sad that even after so many horrific events gun control is not passable legislation. Heaven forbid an 18yo can drink but let’s continue to let kids mass murder kids.

The name of the school ironically- ***Abundant Life Christian School.***

Boardrooms, not schoolrooms

And they’re asking me why I don’t want to move to the US. Fuck it. I’d rather move to the poorest Balkan country. I am dead serious.

Honestly? We decided as a nation a long time ago that we don’t care about this. I don’t even bother reading these news stories anymore, it’s the same thing I’ve seen a hundred times already. Maybe someday we’ll hit the magic number of dead kids required to get people to accept that the core problem is the guns, but until that day I don’t see the point of tilting at this particular windmill anymore.

American Government won’t care because no CEO was harmed in this shooting

But we should totally prioritize banning drag queen readings at libraries

The only gun control that takes place is when boardrooms and not classrooms are affected.

The American people are at our breaking point


This is fiiineeee I mean, if anyone gets injured or traumatized they have insurance! That’s what insurance is foooooor!

Quick! Someone protect the CEOs!

It wasn’t a rich person let’s move on. Go Republicans!!!

Where is Mr. “I alone can fix it”?.

Oh I forgot is the illegal immigrants that are killing our children.

On the “US bingo card” school shootings is basically a free space at this point…

Someone should press Trump on what he’s gonna do to protect children.

One guy gets offed in a targeted they bring out the terrorism squad. But school shootings don’t count as terrorism?

Yah, but think of the grocery prices /s

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