Yet here we are

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Why is Gaetz still speaking?

…or President.

*Human Trafficking pedophile

A serious country would have made real, sensible efforts to promote health and healthy eating.

But *our* country instead went with spending actual tax dollars on food industry marketing schemes and propping up third-party, for-profit health insurers while hiding behind an ongoing Beacon of Freedom cosplay.

“Government funded” is not a real thing. It’s all tax payer funded. I would rather my taxes go to helping people

did he just say he wants people to eat healthy? where is the republican outrage? or is it not there because a black woman didn’t say it?

*Butthead says what*

Seriously people, stop calling him a pedophile. That’s literally the least of the awful things he is. Call him what he is, a CHILD RAPIST and CHILD SEX TRAFFICKER.

A serious country wouldn’t let children starve to death.

Attorney general? Try voting one in as president? Y’know, intentionally walking into girls’ dressing rooms at pageants?

A serious country wouldn’t allow a convicted felon to become President.

They’re prepping people to ok cuts to Social Security by garnering some ‘outrage’ bait.

To play devils advocate – America does have an obesity problem

Why don’t the rich ever point fingers at each other? 

So republicans are turning against capitalism. Cool, cool…

He’s not up for it anymore


We nominated Biden for president. So let’s be intellectually honest and maybe I don’t have to harbor so much hate for yall.

In fairness, he’s actually a pederast. Still, not wrong.

Crazy to me that even during a completely civil debate, people will downvote you simply because they disagree. Why?

I don’t exactly understand what his solution is.

Proven? You can accuse anyone with anything without consequences.

Matt Gaetz looks like an anthropomorphic shit streak.

The VA does screen disability applications to see if it’s really a condition tied to service.

They don’t care about that.

They want to just use that excuse of fraud to defund disability altogether

Defund vs improve.

Ahh so we call people pedophiles now without any trial, evidence or convictions. All it takes is someone saying they did something to lock it in. Got it!

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