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How about showing us where your pot of gold is located?

Strange that people who proclaim their race to be the best are rarely a shining example of said race

He looks like a troll

Looks like someone covered a potato in glue and rolled it around a barbershop’s floor.

He should apologize for that haircut with that forehead.

The rest of the ewoks feel safe knowing he’s protecting endor.

The Shire is grateful for your service.

You should apologize for that 5 head blinding people

Where is the homeland of the leprechauns?

Conan O’Brien needs to serve your hair wave with a *CEASE & DESIST* letter.

Would be funny if this guy lived in America and not realizing that he himself is of immigrant heritage.

I mean the shire does need protecting

Are the local indigenous gnomes finally rising up against their human oppressors?

What is he going to defend lol- the other gnomes in the garden?

I didnt realise the Land of Leprechauns was being invaded.

Bro has a lot more to apologize for.

The Lollipop Guild’s finest warrior

Well the gene pool ends with him. Nobody wants to fuck that.

In 60 years on this planet I have never once had to apologize for being white. I have had to apologize for occasionally being an asshole though so maybe what Bilbo here means is he refuses to apologize for being a racist asshole.

Better ok that with Snow White first.

As long as he apologizes for hoarding gold at the end of rainbows we should be good.

Probably lives in Nebraska and has never seen a foreigner

I just can’t get over the face shape. I assume the hair/beard choices are doing it, but his skull skape looks like ditto from pokemon.

Are the Amish allowed to use wigs?

Who is asking for apologies

Maybe stick to defending your hairline against balding?

I wouldn’t worry about invaders if they have to cross that forehead of yours! They will be like Moses stuck in the desert for 40 years

What invaders are you defending us from,champ? Is Nickleback invading?

Dude looks like a garden gnome.

You don’t need to apologize, son. But your mother does.

Snipers wet dream..

Has a fairly unimpressive beard for a guy whose identity revolves around it.

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