You can disagree with an opinion, but the math never lies

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Someone doesn’t do his own taxes or understand the graduated table.

Charlie Kirk and facts do not go together lol.

As to the last question, he is almost certainly much more dishonest than stupid. Like Trump.

If we’re going to deal with these problems seriously, we must stop casting our antagonists as stupid. Yes, intellectually stupid if you want. But they are incredibly sharp in pursuing their goals, which are to gain power and hurt/humiliate people by manipulating facts and public sentiment.

The danger in always calling them stupid is that this gets people to let their guard down, thinking, “They’ll be victims of their own stupidity” or “People will realise they’re stupid and stop supporting them”. Neither of these things have happened; the total opposite has.

I think those against Maga have done themselves real harm by constantly calling these people dumb.

Even if this were true, it would still save you the estimated $50,000 per month in retirement/nursing home costs—expenses that typically force you to sell everything you own and hope it’s enough, especially since Medicaid will no longer exist to support low-income retirees.

Nursing homes are almost $10k a month now without Medicaid.

If you don’t understand the concept of a marginal tax bracket, you have no place talking about economics. It’s one of the most basic pieces of all modern tax systems.

Charlie Kirk is genuinely that stupid. He’s also fucking ugly. God gave with no hands when he was born.

“opinion” is not a workable substitute for “lie”.

I am not a violent person by nature, but there are a few people who I genuinely wish to punch directly in their stupid face… And Kirk is one of them.

He’s the sort of person who should be tarred and feathered, then locked to a signpost in a village square so passersby can throw tomatoes at him.

Socialism is an economic policy under which the state owns or rigidly controls the means of production, nothing more, nothing less. It has nothing to do with tax policy, employee compensation, the type of government involved, or anything else.


Bernie does NOT want to tax people making over $10K at 52%. That is fake as fake can be.

I very much doubt someone making a minimum wage would pay 52% in taxes…

Charlie is both stupid and dishonest

Ahh I see now, making 7.50$ is much better

Lmao 🤣

It appears Charlie’s wife does their taxes.

The worst part about people like Kirk is that you *really* aren’t sure if they’re genuinely this stupid or just being dishonest. It might be a mix of both considering what money he makes off the speaking gigs as a right wing pundit.

I’ll tell you what else sucks: unregulated capitalism.

But hey, I guess it’s the old rich, conservative asshole motto of socialism for me but rugged individualism for thee.

this mf is coming to a university very close to me for a “town hall” type event and i’m almost tempted to go to dismantle his bullshit fake arguments. i can’t believe that university is having him without any pushback, they’re more leftist than the college town i live in, they have an actual local communist party they can vote for

In starting to think republicans can’t comprehend marginal tax rate as a concept at all!

Can someone help me out here? I want to start with Kirk is a jackass, so I am on the same page there. The correction calculation in red appears to be slightly off but I’m not a math or tax wizard. This is what I got.

15/hr x 2080 = 31,200 GROSS annual earnings.

Tax rate 0-9,525 = 10%

Tax rate 9,525-38,700 = 12%

31,200 = 9,525 + 21,525

9,525 x 10% = 952.50

21,675 x 12% = 2,601

952.50 + 2,601 = 3,553.50 (applicable total tax)

31,200 – 3,553.50 = 27,646.50 (applicable NET)

27,646.50 ÷ 52 = 531.66/NET wk

531.66 ÷ 40 = 13.29/NET hr

Can anyone confirm my calculations or explain the red calculation? No need to try and explain Kirk’s calculations because he’s an idiot and not even in the ballpark of reality.

edit: didn’t space correctly and made things more confusing so had to fix.

He will tell people not to take a raise because their taxes will go up and convince them it will result in them making less money

Fact: Charles Kirk is fixated on that 52% tax bracket. 

Reason: he likely makes enough money that he would pay the 52% rate.

He response: propaganda to confuse low information voters so that they don’t vote to raise his taxes..

So $1.01 per hour in taxes that would be used for the collective need. Scandalous!

This must be pretty effective when most of the people you are talking to are either too lazy to or simply can’t do the math.

Turns out weaponizing the stupidest people we have against the govt that serves them, works surprisingly well.

They know that they can lie a lot faster than we can disprove them.

Sad thing is OP fell for this straight up lie

Trump motto is tell a lie 7 times and it becomes the truths!

Lol dude had to go all the way up and back down the ladder to take 52% of 15. Lol

That Kirk either is willing to lie about his ability to understand or does not understand simple economic ideas is unsurprising in the least.

Woefully unqualified, why would j be surprised?

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