You can do a whole lot of things with slavery

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A crypto bro, the kind who don’t wanna work and scam their way into retiring at 25 are the ones saying we should be working all the time?

You first, then.

Don’t tell them that; they’ll try to bring back slavery.

Figures guy with „crypto” in the alias would be clueless

The appropriate response to these boneheads is “thanks for volunteering, here’s a shovel.”

They literally use slavery

Why are cryptobros like this? No seriously, how inhuman does one need to be to unironically say shit like this?

It isn’t compared to slavery. It is slavery.

“Good work ethic”

*Looks inside

*Modern Slavery

This is literally slavery.

As someone in construction, we’ll run 24/7 too if it’s important enough.

I had 10 guys on a major project on 12 hour shift and rotations non-stop for several years.

You pay a premium for it, though.

That’s something only a person not working full time in construction in Dubai would say

Construction workers in the UAE usually don’t work during daylight hours in the summer months. It’s too hot outside.

Wait til they hear about the work ethic in American private prisons

I always find these insights funny because the person who says it doesn’t include themselves being the one that are working in the system but are separate from it, like do you think this person even considered that they might be the ones forced to work 24/7

Come to think of it, the Egyptians had quick building practices too

Fuck Dubai

I’m surprised this thread hasn’t been flooded by hyper-sheltered nepobabies directly benefiting from the slavery being all “Dubai is actually really nice, actually. Then can just leave if they don’t like it.”

I work in construction, it’s hard work and you need breaks. You can’t go 24/7. The only reason the UAE does it is because of slavery.

Hey Lyxe if you’d like you can be my slave I have a lot of yard work you can do and I can lone you out to the neighborhood. I will give you a shed to live in and a bag of rice. It will be great. I’ll pay you 2 dollars an hour and charge you for rent and food at the current market value. Ya know… the way they do it in Dubai.

isn’t America like the only place where it’s 9 to 5 instead of 8 to 4?

Was hoping the note was gonna say they work in shifts


Also, “dubai” work ethic? Aren’t these workers pretty much all from south Asia?

My other gripe would be “of yesteryears”

Slavery is still happening, it’s not gone

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