You can’t pay me enough to watch it.

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What’s the issue here? Literally like the 30th whine post I’ve seen

I actually forgot that Puss in boots: last wish is the same company as shrek. Its like they did a full 180 and fired every writer/animator from PIB2.


I feel like people are overreacting about this a bit too much. They completely redesigned the characters in Puss In Boots 2, but no one darted a single critique on it. This is simply just an appropriate approach to the massive design overhaul they did.

I think the new shreck looks a little ugly and i also think 5 shrecks is comical but im still going to watch the movie because neither of those to things will prevent me from enjoying the film

Wow, for people begging for Shrek 5 so badly for so long, y’all really dropped the hype hella fast.

You are not a kid, so you are not supposed to. Go read a book, you guys clearly need some books.

I’m glad for this post, only because I was wondering how I missed that they made a Shrek 3 and 4.

Yes you are! And so is everyone else who is bitching about it

Gen z is officially old

Am I the only one who doesn’t think the art style change is that bad?

Sure, it’s different and will take some getting used to, but I’d rather watch and judge the movie for myself

I’ll watch it to see if it’s good, about puss n boots that’s a good reason to give this movie a chance

You show those movie execs, they’ll be quaking in their boots knowing a childless redditor in their 30s won’t go watch the new children’s movie!


so now we hate on shrek ???

but he is a savage, of his multiple children only one survived, thats so cool

Meh. This is a nothing burger.

It will eventually end up on a streaming service I already subscribe to for some other show. I’ll end up putting it on for my kids, and that will ill be that.

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