You could call this a soft murder

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I wouldn’t verbally attack that guy. He has one of the best on-stage heckler takedowns of all time. Some drunk asshole screamed “woo-hoo!!!” in the middle of a quieter bit in the show, and Patton just fucking launched on the fucker for a couple of minutes. I think it ended with “You’re gonna miss everything cool and die angry!”

The award was for his 2016 stand-up show, Talking For Clapping, for those curious.

Patton is a fucking wing-chun master of shit-talking. They had it coming.

When your clapback is as sharp as your comedy.

Patton Oswalt might be my favorite person.

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I love Patton Oswald. So smart and funny!

I love when non-comedians try to roast comedians.

You don’t stand a chance against a comic.

Just like the failed Basketballer Micheal Jordan

Werewolves and Lolipops is one of the best comedy albums of all time.
That’s not even the album he won the Emmy for.

He’s the funniest fucker ever and my favorite stand up dude. Fuck this douche nozzle.

I don’t care for his stand up

But man on Justified as Constable Bob pure gold.

I will say in the interviews I caught him in various podcasts he comes across as fun smart guy.

Why does this quote “sound” exactly like him.

He’s a Rockstar

This has to be the first time a Daily Wire article has hit the front page.

I’m sure they’ll fire whoever was responsible; they wouldn’t want to employ anyone with that much journalistic integrity.

If D.W had a research department they would have told them that.

Stupid is as stupid does sir!🤣

This man went to my undergrad school. My favorite alumni. Second is Jon Stewart.

what’s a daily wire? sounds like something not worth giving a fuck about.

Perhaps the Daily Wire needs to sit down and eat a KFC Bowl

Comedy is quite subjective to be fair, it’s difficult to discuss but clear talent typically shines through.

Lmao that’s an amazing comeback

i would consider that a bloody murder coming from Oswalts style

“The Daily Choir” they suck

Yeah. Seems like common sense.


Daily wire thought they were funny with that joke about Oswald not being a real comedian. They got the reverse uno card real quick.

Who dislikes Patton Oswald and why?

He’s funny to me.

He plays the HS principal in the show “AP Bio,” which is excellent.

I’ve never understood the hate for Patton… He says it as he sees it and that’s gonna rub everyone the wrong way from time to time but some people tend to hold a grudge

I guess that was funny

which would matter if anyone even respected the emmys except for boomers who pat themselves on the back over the emmys.

He won an Emmy for writing, not for being a comedian.

Isn’t the emmys just an establishment/MSM circle jerk? It’s not like the rewards reflect talent of popular opinion 🤫🤪

“Supposed comedian” is different than “failed comedian”. The implied meaning is that he isn’t funny (in their opinion).

Patton Oswalt has been an insufferable douche for a while. He was such a little bitch to Dave Chappelle. Said he was embarassed to have been in a photo with the guy.
Fuck every comedian who puts politics above the goof. It’s unbecoming of a comedian and just proof they suck. Doesn’t matter what side. Patton Oswalt and Tony Hinchcliffe are fucking unbearable for the exact same reason.

He isn’t even funny

Right right right, but he’s still insufferable as fuck and not really funny.

Of course he has an Emmy, he’s a dorky Hollywood thespian.

He gentle parented the journalists.

Wow, huge liberals gifted a huge liberal an award for being super liberal 

I’m impressed 

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