You don’t have to pay for it. ๐Ÿ’€

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She really hit him with the economy-class rejection.

Came here to read the smart answer to this classic. Guys, please.

I like my coffee like I like my men, a sprinkle of sugar and topped off with two pumps of cream.

Police? I want to report a murder…

Coffee may be free but it’s damned hot too. How’s that burn?

โ€œCold & bitter?โ€

Apologies. An old joke…

Pretty stewardess walking down the aisle of a TWA flight, asking each customer if they would like some of her delicious TWA coffee. Stops off at one guy (there’s always one….) she gives him the line, and he replies quick as you like, “no, but I’d love some of your delicious TWA T(ee) ”


Then you say โ€œhowโ€™d you know I liked my coffee bitter?โ€

Woman gets that line at least twice a day all her working life at that airline.

If you say that line you better follow up with your answer before she has time to reply

Sir, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave the plane.

He must’ve felt whore-ible after she grounded him right down.

Roasted darker than a full city roast. Coffee drinkers will get that.

today in “things that didn’t happen”:

*looks inappropriately at her,

“how much๐Ÿ’ต”

That is the only correct response for somebody who’s trying to hit on random women who have to work in service. Believe me when I say we do not appreciate that and we hear it about 50 times a day.

And then everybody clapped

On the rocks

Thats when you give her a cheeky grin and say “oh really? And the women?”

i like my women like i like my coffeeโ€ฆ ground up and in the freezer

Not too hot, so it goes down easy.

I’m confused, did she just call herself a whore?

She burnt him without throwing coffee on him. Well we assume itโ€™s a man but who knows

I would’ve burst out laughing if I got roasted that hard

Hot burn.

Clearly she likes her coffee like she likes her men: Roasted.

Black with alot of cream

I like my coffee like I like my women, with a spoon in it.

Rare insult in an imaginary conversation, nothing like it.


Rude flight attendant, didnโ€™t let him finish. โ€œI like my coffee like I like my women, without other dudes dicks in it.โ€.


Forwards from Grandma

Never drink airplane coffee

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