You gotta understand we were losing a whole 62 cents

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YouTube and Apple all the time

Their most common excuse is “because f**k you”

cutting services to protect shareholder tears

They’d never actually apologize. At best you get “we’re sorry you felt that way”

At least they were Sorry before, now they’re just “Hey, we increased your price by 55% for no reason and removed a bunch of content, even that One you were actively watching ’till yesterday. Deal with it”.


Every $billion+ company is doing it. Google, Facebook, Reddit, etc ad nauseam.

Once they have a big enough hold on a market – prices go up and quality goes down.

Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.

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theyre not even losing 62 cents. theyre gaining 50 but want to gain 60 next quarter then 70 then 80..

If you could choose between SpongeBob and alllll the money I have in my pockets, which would you choose?

“Cutting cost” is an easy think to point to and say look how much I saved. Most managers look for quick wins so they can move on to the next promotion. The business world doesn’t reward thinking past the next quarter.

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Ohh, boo-hoo! Let me play a sad song for you on the world’s smallest violin.

Capcut but without the apology part

YouTube is going to be worse until it’s as slow as Internet Explorer at this point

“had to?”

* scratches forgive us and replaces it with “give us more money” *

I’ve been receiving emails from company’s saying “sorry but we have to raise prices because of tariffs” and I understand that is true. But I wonder how much extra they are going to raise them just because.

Worked for a company that structurally refused to improve their product/service. Tried everything I could to keep it from getting worse and they ended up getting rid of me instead. Sometimes it’s better to just let them be bad and go somewhere else.

And you have to watch five ads before you see this.

& as James Stephanie Sterling say this also goes for layoffs they indulged it not just happened

“Also we are going to increase the price yet again”

Inflationary monetary systems globally cause everything to become worse over time from product standards to services.

Vote with your money 

Fake ass crocodile tears

The AI billionaires want to now charge us monthly to ask computers questions (Chatgpt) that we use to do for free. Americans are dumb enough to pay.

Anyone else remember when you could play youtube videos with your phone locked without paying anything?  They decided to start charging for a basic feature of the app.

Most new services operate at a loss early on to push out competitors and grow market share then pull the rug out with price hikes and worst quality of service. Looking at you doordash.

ivy league mbas at it again

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