You guys have those too…

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And then you tell someone in your dream, about the crazy dream you had. Only to be ripped back into this dimension when my alarm goes off.

I think this explains how I feel most of the time

What if we are alll part of someone else’s dream right now? Like a hyper-dream and we aren’t real at all.

The greatest dream one can have is pissing in a toilet without actually pissing in real life.. if you ever had this dream.. tell me.. how long was your stream?

Cause my dream it felt like an eternity

I had that happen once but never again lol.


Finally someone put it in words.

I remember one time this happened and when I actually woke up and realized I had to do the whole morning sequence again I just screamed.


A certain groundhog comes to mind!


I dreamt that I had some water from my drink bottle in the night, when I woke I was confused that the bottle wasn’t there, I had left it at work.

I dreamt about having my whole ass day, then I woke up and had to do it again.

The day was the complete same as the dream

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