You masqueraded my baby

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Tomatoes are fruit

I masquerade my food how ever I want to.

Fuck em

Damn. After all these years, pineapple on pizza is still making your assholes throb this bad? It’s time to work on yourself. Move the fuck on.

You havenโ€™t heard about Swedish pizza

It’s going in MY face hole.

As an Italian i agree and approve this message

Nah, I’m just not a fan of pineapple in the first place hence why i don’t like any pineapple on a pizza, ruins the taste and vibe for me.

Nah, I’m just not a fan of pineapple in the first place hence why i don’t like any pineapple on a pizza, ruins the taste and vibe for me.

Tomato Tomatoe

Went to a restaurant yesterday that put blueberries on pizza. I haven’t got a chance to try it yet but I honestly don’t think it could be that bad.

They Just found a wall picture in pompeji showing some Kind of proto-pizza with fruits…

The key to pineapple on pizza is red pepper flakes

Tastes good

Actually it’s delicious, let them eat their margarita

Italians will probably accept my taste preferences as a fetish


*ToMaTOes ARE fRuIT!1!!1*


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