You must have no enemies

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I’ll be kind to you till you give me a reason not to kind.

I don’t think it’s possible to be kind to everyone. People will always have bias and preferences, unfortunately but it’s true

I’ll be kind to whom deserves it

Tolerance paradox is wearing a different hat today.

This is horrible fuckin logic because if you help an evil person that makes you a shitty person too

“Selectively kind” is literally just knowing who doesn’t deserve it. I mean, that nerd is literally saying “don’t hate nazis” or “don’t hate child murderers”, it’s just such a stupid thought to have but I know people believe they’re right saying it.

I’m gonna be so damn selective with my kindness I’ll look like a Choose-Your-Character screen.

The one who claims that he’s friends with everybody is the biggest hypocrite

Man fuck inconsiderate people. I only have spite and hate for you. FU

Not everyone deserves to be treated with kindness

Ha! At least it’s honest. I’ve known a few people who were socially polite and kind to everyone without exception. And these people were always avoided because they felt fake.

It was obvious that they were “lying”, but it was not clear to whom. Because of this, they were always uncomfortable.

Value sincerity more than kindness

True kindness is for morons if that’s the case. Some people suck. Lots actually.

Would you be kind to a rapist?

Depends on what that means. If one always assume people deserves your kindness and because of that start of by being kind and respectful of others then I think you are still a kind person even if you decide to cancel that kindness if the recipient isn’t kind in turn. Don’t have to be a doormat to be kind.

I’m kind to everybody until they take that kindness for weakness.

I’ll be kind to you no matter what, except if you insult my friends. I don’t care what you do to me, but the second a person I care about is attacked, I get angry

Ay I’ll be kind to you until you give me a reason to be your villain.

If people want to be selectively kind instead of “truly” kind, then they’re allowed to.

Kind to some is still better than kind to no one

The only people that are not selectively kind are therapists and psychiatrists. And that’s only because they’re getting paid.


Jesus says love one another. Not “as long as they’re kind to me,” not “until I don’t want to be kind anymore.” Love one another.

I don’t have to trust people who break my trust. I don’t have to continue a relationship with people who become unkind. But I will still treat people with kindness.

Some ppl don’t deserve kindness

“True kindness” is a concept for an immature mind

Magic man was right

“Treat others the way you want to be treated” never works.

Some people are just dicks.

Im selectively not king

I will be kind untill you give me a reason not to

technically not wrong, and this reaction rly does jump to conclusions on what that means… being tolerant does not mean you agree with everyone, being tolerant means you are in direct disagreement with the intolerant, im kind of getting tired of these straw-men.

You can still be kind to everybody.

Someone murdered a bunch of people? Kindly tell them their rights, their punishment, and enforce it.

No need to be mean. You can still be kind and stand your ground

If I treated everyone the same I couldn’t treat anyone special.

You aren’t a nice person if you’re an asshole to the waitstaff.

Even the kindest person on earth has a limit.

It is kindness. I wouldn’t be kind to someone that doesn’t deserve it.

so “being selectively murderesses is not true murder”, got it.

I give kindness to people out of mercy. The more pitiful they are, the more mercy I show. But arrogant, hateful or violent people get to see the real me. And I’m not nice.

Be kind to everyone 
But don’t be a doormat 

Just because they are your “enemies” doesn’t mean you can’t still be kind, in fact you should be, be better then they are

I’ll be kind until I’m given a reason not to.

Be kind to everyone until they give you reason to be selective

I believe in treating people like they treat others, also second chances. So you get to be an asshole in my pressence exactly once before i start actually treating you like an asshole.

Being kind comes in many forms. Sometimes it’s holding the door for you or maybe helping you out with groceries. But it could also be firebombing your Tesla dealership because it’s CEO is a completely trash human being with 0 redeeming qualities and provides nothing of worth to the world while removing people and opportunities from countless good people.

Well am not gonna be kind to someone who shoved their hand into my pocket

OP, it’s really funny to me how all of the commenters are providing that they’re the crowd, not the nerd.

Depends, at my second job it’s a place that talks about being completely inclusive. I wasnt in a good place to start, but I’ve gotten better over time but realize there’s a decent portion of people there and staff that are ecstatic I’ll be leaving this year. It’s just lip service and I don’t really take that as kindness. Just because you don’t blatantly say your thoughts doesn’t mean you are kind or really have manners. I’ll get over it in time but it’s a rough deal to show up and have that be in the air all the time.

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