You should try

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Why limit to 6 months? As Jarvis Cocker sang in Common People, it’s easy to pretend living like the working class when you know you can crawl back to your rich life.

Also, where would I find this supposed Marxist regime? I might be wrong but the vast majority of them weren’t truly Marxist or communist or whatever. Most of them were authoritarian dictatorships who willy-nilly implemented various Marxist ideas but usually only to serve their own purposes and who quickly became corrupt with power and run in a incompetent nepotist type fashion such as China or the Soviet Union.

I say this as someone who leans heavily left on the political scale and would like to see more actual socialism implemented around the globe, but most of the “successful” socialist states haven’t actually been that but more run like corrupt dictatorships. They haven’t been proper socialist utopias.

You shouldnā€™t really mock Charlie, heā€™s clearly physically and mentally challengedā€¦

Is the answer somewhere in the middle?

6 months is too short, give them at least 4 years and give them some debt to start with for added realism

Capitalist means control is in market hands and you votes for capitalism, they why crying? Is there something more deep? I always see people crying over hourly wages and high cost but then they flex their capitalism and how powerful they are in whole world.

The thing is, they both arenā€™t wrong. Living on a minimum wage in the US is hell, as well as living under a proper communist regime (and not what the far-right folks now call ā€œcommunismā€, which means basically everything not far-right enough for them). Considering that a communist regime almost always comes with a dictatorship, militarism and mass repressions, I would actually prefer living on a minimum wage. My parents and grandparents had the ā€œpleasureā€ of living in the USSR, and thank you, Iā€™ll pass.

This gets bot posted over and over again and triggers the same sort of debate. That said, the debate is silly because the capitalists already do live under a $7.25 minimum wage, that’s the point, it’s just a minimum and you can improve. Communism is where you live under a $7.25 fixed wage and no one earns more than that (except the leaders everywhere it’s been tried) and you can only buy what the government mandates gets produced.

To this day I’m still waiting for an extreme reality show about this

I’m a professor of Russian history and would.really appreciate if these clueless assholes would actually take a college-level class on any of these subjects before they spouted about them from their positions of authority.

“minimum wage? I had an internship for two summers!”

“And how much money did your parents give you?”


I agree with both! I would not wish to do either option.
Fortunately I live in Europe where we have capitalism with free health care, workers rights and no guns.

The problem these hypotheticals fail to address is that putting a cap on it makes things significantly less stressful. Yes working min wage for 6 months would suck but for real working people a large part of the issue is that *it isnā€™t just 6 months, itā€™s indefinitely.* Day to day indefinite feels like infinite, and the kind of sustained load stress that this adds to a personā€™s life is a part of the real damage that takes place.

Iā€™d like these snivelling rich assholes to live on min wage indefinitely, because that would **really** crack them

Iā€™ve tried the capitalist version, and now I would like to try the socialist system, please. What do you say, Charlie? You freaking doorknob!

Also Marxism and socialism are not the same.

Much rather the USA option. People in the west really donā€™t have a clue how bad it can get under an authoritarian regime. My grandparents were born and lived behind the iron curtain and my great uncle fought in the red armyā€¦.

The stories they told were beyond what I could get my head around, and they would just shrug and say thatā€™s what it was like as though it was no big deal

Exactly, it’s easy to criticize when you’re not living it. If people experienced both systems firsthand, they’d see the flaws in extremes of either side.

Not all socialists support the Marxist system.



There is no Marxist government on earth. And if there were, it wouldn’t be properly characterized as a “regime.”

What a damned fool.

6 months is too short, givee them at least 4 yrs and throw in some debt for added realism…

$7.25ā€¦I made that in high school over 30 years ago.

We all should try both

I did it for 4 years so itā€™s possible. Marxism on the other hand I have not tried but I also donā€™t believe in it.

Both experiments would be eye-opening, but one of them is literally happening every day for millions of people.

Where do people think most capitalist start at? As an immigrant I began making $4.25 hr. Here in Atlanta. Lived in the worst and most dangerous part of town (only thing I could afford) went to school, saved, changed jobs, got a career, now I live the American dream. It wasnā€™t overnight. It has taken me 52 years. Itā€™s not easy but itā€™s not impossible.

capitalist doesn’t need to

This doesn’t really work as an insult tho? Equality is a core part of Marxist ideology, so the original post makes sense, while the same cannot be said about capitalism, so the reply doesn’t. This is so stupid

Pretty sure not all the Millionaires were born millionaires. Quite a lot started from nothing..

Never mind that socialism is not communism anyway.

The majority of capitalists start working at minimum wage, for sure for at least 6 months. The issue really is more likely that there needs to be better paying and more available jobs whose income levels arent set up for people that are minors.

A college student who never considered socialism has no heart

This is not a difficult problem, the minimum wage. It’s super simple. Add a clause that minimum wage gets remains at $7.25 in perpetuity, but adjust per CPI from the date it was originally instituted.

The lack of adjustment to CPI is what boggles my mind. It’s absolutely insane, but this is what you get when you don’t have unions to negotiate for you.

People like Charlie Kirk believe we should be thankful to live in an increasingly exploitative and suffocating capitalist society and if we donā€™t like it, go live somewhere else.

What he doesnā€™t comprehend is that those who do, they often find it liberating, as theyā€™re free from the day-to-day anxiety of living in the US.

The best is something in between. I live in Sweden and like our system. Healthcare and schools are free and we have a free market. Best of both worlds.

You know, both sound good to me for ’em.

During COVID I ran the numbers on living on $7.25/hr in the Atlanta area. I was able to live off of it. I used a prepaid phone, and used the bus in this scenario, but I got the numbers to work. So it can (could at the time) be done.

Minimum wage in Illinois is about to be 15/hr

Every (but the most unlucky ones) person lives under a Marxist regime for at least several years of their lives.

It’s called “living with parents”

They are both right.

Lol let them try it at 12, 15, 20!

Bc raising taxes in the interest of welfare = SOAILCISMFNJJCJS

What she doesn’t understand is a minimum wage isn’t capitalist in the first place.

Capitalism is great!*

*If you’re the one with capital…

Try not settling for minimum wage. If you’re over 21 and you make minimum wage you’re already failing yourself.

Every minimum wage earner should be looking for a better job.

They wouldn’t make it for 3 days.

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