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Is this picture edited? I know he’s a chubby fucker but it looks like he’s Animorphing into a fucking gerbil here.

Puh puh puh pwease wespect the pwesident!

Also why thank Vance? He didn’t do shit. He voted against aid in the Senate.

Not enough eyeliner…

As if Zelenskyy could have done or said anything that would have changed anything. They were going to find something wrong with him no matter what. It’s dishonest and disrespectful to the American people for them to pretend otherwise.

I know a substantial percentage of the population want to follow these guys no matter what, but most people I know want honesty and integrity.

I can’t unsee him as John Wayne Gacy’s child.

Most punchable face I have seen in recent times.

Sexually transmitted upholstery


The Elmer Fudd of politics.

this image is doctored , right?

They tried to make a dude that fucks couches and dolphins into a hero. Maga really are the dumbest humans we ever let exist.

C’mon – I despise the guy too but he doesn’t walk around with acorns stuffed in his cheeks. He’s ugly enough with photoshopping.

Born in that costume.

What’s that stain on the couch?


That is unsightly

Many people are saying that Trump is a danger to national security.

Did they put JD Vance there so that people wouldn’t focus on Trump’s small hands?


This looks like prednisone

Ist this Photoshop or does he really look like a baby with beard?


Where’s his “I h8 America” bib?

Gonna call him Vice-President Fatface. Sounds accurate

Keep making him more pudgy.

Damn, it looks like he got stung by a hive of bees

Robert Z’Dar IS JD Vance in “The Velvet Couch”.

Bloated with his self-importance. This is an insult to pigs (and Elmer Fudds) everywhere.

C’mon Bam, you know I got work in the morning! Quit sunkin my dunk!


🤣 accurate

Chicken legs

Haley joel osment was the perfect facsimile for this toolbag


It’s like they put a baby’s head on an adult’s body.

This man eats bees for breakfast

He looks like the fat inbred from RDR2 lol

The fact that people need to ask if this is photoshopped explains everything

Make the tie longer and his pants shorter.

Hamster cheeks should cut his daily rations


Do you guys accept AI images? Fakes? Or is this a political sub?

They have 36 BMI in the Marines?

The fuck is wrong with his head? It looks like they tied his tie too tight and his head is inflated.

All that Big Mac shit he is eating out of the diaper sure is fattening.

Happy cake day!🍰

It’s real to me

He was just thinking about soft and sexy that couch felt and wanted to be left alone with it

What a wimpy POG. Even his tie is ashamed of his non existent balls.

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