You son of a bitch, I’m in

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This better be true goddamnit

Wait, Nick Fuentes maced a woman? Talk about an Uno reverse card…

Unfortunately Nazis protect other Nazis in jail

People are way to comfortable with rape being a punishment or treat it like its just a normal part if being in prison

this week just keeps winning huh

Today is a good day!

Where are all the people saying what he didn’t wasn’t illegal? So many people piping up when it happened, where yall at now? Defend your position now, I want to see the mental gymnastics yall try to play again.

He’s getting locked up?

Well, at least he won’t be a virgin anymore.

I didn’t expect to be so pleased by other’s misfortune this week, but here we are.


Can’t people find a way to make fun of a legitimately funny situation that doesn’t involve condoning state sponsored cruelty and homophobia? Fuck Nick Fuentes, but culturally, prison rape jokes aren’t actually funny if you think about it at all.

“26-year-old Alpha Male, Afraid For His Life, Assaults 57-year-old Woman”

Nick Fuentes? The gay Nazi? The most pathetic excuse for a white nationalist? The biggest coward in the world who hides in mommy‘s basement because someone on the internet has said some mean things about him? That Nick Fuentes?

Yeah no, this justice system does everything to protect people like him

Oh cool, is this the incident I saw elsewhere on Reddit, where there were a bunch of comments saying, “Well, why was she knocking on his door! He was well within his rights”?

Jail isn’t the same thing as prison and he’ll 100% be bailed out. He’s also a rich white male so he won’t get any real sentence.

Waiiit what’s the story here? Did he randomly mace someone for fun?

Maybe 2024 going into 2025 will truly be the FAFO year across the board?

Who would have thought that a Hispanic white supremcist would be so stupid?

i think we can do better than rape jokes 

Massive, all muscle, covered in tattoos guy named “Tiny:”
*“Your asshole, my choice 🤤”*

This person must not know he won’t be in jail…

finally, some good news.

Celebrating prison rape is one of the most disgusting things I see regularly socially accepted.

Rape is rape, no matter where or who it happens to.

Its fucking horrifying. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. You people have no idea what you’re joking about. I hope you never have to learn firsthand.

Or maybe you do know and you’re doing it anyway, which is way worse. Be better.

Prison. Rape. Humour. Is. Cringe.

Jokes about a shitty person getting raped is still a joke about rape. Which isn’t great

>You son of a bitch, I’m in

Nick Fuentes’ cellmate, probably.

It is going to be very, very difficult to find an impartial jury.

That’s a nice home for a bottom feeding chode such as Fuentes to own.

This has been a fun week.

Is this REAL though???????
I’m having a freezing cold, damn dirty martini if this is the case!!

Haha cook county jail for that loser

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