You wake up tomorrow and itโ€™s 1995, what are doing?

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Crying from happiness. I hate the world currently

Taking the $2.50 in my pocket and immediately buying a 2 story, 5 room, double garage, 10 acre property.

Then getting a $1 burrito with the change.

Spending some time with Grandma

Wondering why there are PS2 games in a blockbuster in 1995

Iโ€™m going to buy apple stock, bitcoin, and stop 9/11.

Buying tickets to see some 90s bands in their prime

Spending as much time as possible with my mum, my grandparents and my cat, and making sure they know just how much I love them.

Buying as much Apple stock as I can

Iโ€™m heading right to hometown buffet, then to the movie theater to see whateverโ€™s playing, then blockbuster to rent a movie and a game, then home to enjoy it all with friends and family.

Building my win 95โ€™ pc and watching demolition man on the vcr.

Really enjoy high school with my buddies. Ask out the crush that I never did. When the “internet” starts to become a thing, get really good at HTML/CSS etc… and then start a couple internet businesses. Mine a bunch of BTC when the time comes, and then wait.

Accumulating money for the next 14 years until bitcoin gets ‘invented’ so I can buy a few hundred thousands of them.

Altering history.

Visit my grandparents

Staying away from my future ex wife

Buying a house with my pocket money


Saving every dime I have and buying all the Google stock I can when it launches

I actually had this opportunity and stupidly squandered it (about $15k worth I could have bought when it launched). I am the dumbest person in the room.

Hugging my parents

Elon Musk attended Stanford in 1995. I would convince him to go to Oxford and pursue an English major or something.

Kids today will never understand the absolute joy and excitement of walking into a blockbuster or warehouse music

Can anybody else smell this image? Popcorn, new carpet, plastic…

Cry happiness will be overwhelming

Iโ€™m 8 again?

Iโ€™m hopping hardcore into piano lessons and saving my sister from being pushed into them. When my grandpa moves down, Iโ€™m asking him to teach me guitar – I had no idea just how talented he really was as a kid. I learned the scope of what he could do at his funeral.

Buying lots and lots of Microsoft and Apple stock and holding. Telling Tupac not to goto Vegas next September.

I just love the idea of this
It makes me happy

Going to the mall and smoking a cigarette for nostalgia purposes.

Going to the mall ๐Ÿฅฐ

Renting biodome…..again.

Just to let everyone know,

in a couple of weeks,

1995 will be 30 years ago.


Buying Apple and Microsoft stock

Going to work at Borders Bookshop! The most fun I ever had working.

Driving around Saudi air base in a chevy blazer during Operation Desert Watch.

Playing classic computer games

1995 I would fill half a warehouse with NES stuff, wait until 1999 and fill the other half with SNES stuff and just sit on it until now. Then Id be flexing CIBs all over the internet.

Going to a Tupac concert!

Try to save Jon benet

Calling CPS on my mother.

Renting Vectorman and Gremlins

With the knowledge I have now in 1995? Renting every copy of Earthbound in existence and never returning them.


I’m gonna buy choice property and invest harder into a few options. Like Bif in BttF.

Go and visit the World Trade Center

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