You’ll never convince me that brushing your teeth before breakfast is normal

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You’ll never convince me that tipping your landlord is normal

This is bait, right?

Landlord propaganda post

Why is the “non landlord tippers” with the weird people? You’d have to be insane to think tipping your landlord is normal. I have never heard, from anybody, that this is even a thing? Is this a thing in America or something?

the funny part is believing anyone fits in the middle

What do you eat at breakfast so that enough stuff is between your teeth to be “brushed in”

Disgusting… Also if you eat anything acidic (including milk acids) you activly demage your teeth after brushing with it since you removed everything that would normally buffer it until its swallowed and neutralized.

Brush your breakfast into your gums, smart. Brushing is to remove plaque build up, not food. Plaque hardens in roughly 12hrs to tartar which you can’t brush off. Its why you brush twice a day…

Only way I’d tip a landlord is if I’m tipping them over.

Brushing teeth before eating is like wiping your ass before shitting

What’s that one in the back?

I come to reddit just to see weird people

Why is r/memes the most normal subreddit?

so your mouth stinks all day or you do wash after breakfast?

I agree but it is better then nothing if you are eating after you leave your home.

Whats a femcel?

Non-landlord tippers? Who tried to sneak that in there?

Right? I mean, you brushed your teeth the night before, you don’t eat anything in your sleep, why would you brush your teeth after waking up? So yeah, brushing teeth after breakfast is best.

Everyone here is proving this person right. Fighting this statement proves them more right. Crazy world.

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