Young businessman

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Sounds like the intro for a new sitcom

Edit: Probably be called ‘Living it up’

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I’ll bet the city thinks that kinda Cul-de-sucks.

[this actually happened](

Best solution would be for the city to take the L and buy the property back from the guy

Let them buy each plot back separately at the actual value it is. It’s not his fault. A contract is a contract.

Is there a source for this?

Oh my God! That’s Grove Street!

Can’t have shit in Detroit.



Well they better answer his calls if they wanna legally negotiate for it 💀

Yes! Make your own neighborhood!!😂😂😂

Mission failed successfully.


That can’t be real because that’s what I wish life would be

Hey, where’s CJ’s house?

How I met your neighborhood

He needs a good lawyer

So the road and some land. Not the houses?

Little Landlord Fauntleroy

“Today, on House Flip!”

If this goes to court, he will lose.

Man bought grove street…

Incompetent Government worker finally does something “right”

Damn! I wish that would happen to me 😭

I mean come on he really expects for this “sale” to still be valid when it was an obvious mistake? He won’t win shit

If he doesn’t play ball they will pull out the eminent domain card.

This is how God blessed him: he is only asking for a lot, but God gave him the entire city. Praise the Lord.

…i’m sorry to say but you all know he needs to get his affairs in order fast, cause it wont end well

To be fair I would let them buy it back for $5000… from the people I sold the entire street to for millions. I’m fine with that and would not stand in their way.


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