Young businessman

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Why couldn’t it happen to me!!!?


The city can’t take it back. No take backsies.

Grove street


I wonder if he’s paid taxes on all the properties and if the city is going to leverage it to get those properties back?

He can either pay a bunch in taxes on it all or pick his neighbors by having family move in. In any way it is a huge win. Or he could rent out the neighborhood and make cash.

So he can have his plot and become very wealthy by selling it back to them for whatever price he see fit!

Damn son

Keep one of the lots with a house, sell the rest back to the city and then retire

If I recall from the last time this was posted, it is a private street that was constructed by the HOA, which makes it complicated.

He has them by the curly ones now…keep your head on a swivel

The homes are vacant?

The city will get it back when they cease it for him not being able to pay all the property taxes.

He’s going to “disappear” soon I feel

Sell it back at the correct price 😎

From what I read, witch wasn’t a lot. He only owns 1 lot that’s too small to build on and the street, not the other houses. And he is trying to make the people that live there pay him to use his property, as in to drive to their house that they own.

Personally, I feel like he should get a full refund for being sold land he can’t even use and that he is a douchebag for trying to make those people pay him to drive to their houses.

Are you winning son?

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If it went to settlement, not takey-backseys. But I wonder if theyll find a way to validate it at a higher value and get him to pay higher property tax. Not sure how that works as I live in Australia now where there is no property tax.

It’ll be okay just wait for him to go missing, they will just say witness protection program of course

In my country if someone owned a street privately, he would receive some kind of taxes from the home owners located at the street, but he would be responsible maintaining that street

It’s all funny and stuff, but can he actually like, demolish or evict the people there?

6 houses in this market. That’ll be paid off in a week.

Bro became unkowingly CJ on Grove Street.

It should’ve been me

Grove Street. Home. At least it was before I fucked everything up

Instead of selling he should rent the place.

Lawyer up fucker, you own a whole city block. They can buy it back at a fair market value.

Mission failed successfully.

New “Kennedy” compound. You go young man.

Looks like the city dropped the ball. Again

Good for him!!! It’s about time an average person gets one over on the government!!

I would be totally unamenable until they bought all the property at like 50 times with I paid

Sell it back to them.

So all of the property had the same owner?

its never coming back


The headline is misleading. He didn’t end up getting a bunch of homes. He bought a vacant lot that wasn’t being used by an HOA which wasn’t paying their taxes on HOA land, but the HOA land parcel also ended up including the private drive that the HOA owned but that everyone on the street assumed was a normal street that the city owned and maintained. Not the actual homes on the street.

So now they’re trying to use eminent domain to say he doesn’t own the street. Because what is he going to do with it, try to make it a toll road? It likely wouldn’t be in his best interests to fight it; he’d end up having to grant easements to allow his neighbors to use his road to access their properties, and he’d be the one paying for its upkeep, which goes back to what the city was dealing with — HOA members getting all of the benefits and paying none of the expenses

City is lightning fast to take some shit back but when it’s you, you’ll be lucky if your kids see it

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