Your behavior and choices don’t reflect faith.

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In one of the rare open forums in the “flaired users only” sub, I had a Conservative argue with me that “leftists are completely against anything considered traditional values”, but insisted, after I pointed out that Trump may literally be the Christian anti-christ, that she didn’t support Trump and didn’t think he was a Christian, but would “never vote for the left”.

She’s content to not be for the fascist embodiment of literally *every* one of the seven deadly sins, but will gladly get behind his underlings who are often also greedy adulterers, or reps giving hand-jobs in movie theaters… because they more closely align with her “traditional values”.

Sometimes you can’t fix stupid.

Matthew 22:36-40.

Look it up.

These people are NOT christian. They’re liars pretending to be christian.


Any Christian who is against immigration and charity for the poor gets an F on the test.

So 100% of Evangelicals. Fakest fucking loser-ass Christians to ever walk the Earth.

HA! You thought we cared about hypocrisy, or all that stuff about helping the poor? LOL!

MAGA: Made America Grievous Alas !

Hey, maga, willful ignorance is a sin.

Meh, rape is basically a tradition in churches anyway…


Carter, the fundamentalist christian.


Reagan, the philandering traitor.

america picked their man.

at this point, it’s tradition.

“For I was hungry and you cut all of societies food assistance programs. For I was thirsty and you eliminated all the regulations for protecting clean drinking water. For I was a stranger and you disappeared me into you network of for profit ICE detention facilities.”

Pretty sure that’s in there somewhere you guys are just stuck on the King James version they’ve moved on to the King Donald version.


I wonder how many Christians vote for Trump precisely because they believe he is the anti-Christ & they think they are helping fulfil biblical prophecy & are hastening the end times?

So many good american people out there and trumpet and ellon must are the ones who are in charge? Damn i hope to see it all work out in the end.
for all our sakes.

if they had any deeply held religious beliefs, they never would have voted.

This isn’t a murder. It’s a manufactured text post.

Can someone please tell me where did the rape stuff come from? I know the adultery bit

While completely agreeing with the statement this post is PISSING ME OFF because it absolutely doesn’t fit the sub and yet people are brainlessly upvoting it

Religion doesn’t mean you get to put others at risk. As a society, we need to stop catering to these lunatics. They only serve to detract from progress.

I get this and support being anti-conservative but creating and putting this here looks like Obama giving himself a medal lmao, sounds pathetic ngl

So now instead of posting tweet replies that the originally tweeter won’t ever see we are now posting the arguments we have in our heads in the shower?

No one believes that

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