Your crusade to defend participation trophies

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for those interested, he in fact DID come back the next year, finished 67th
comment image?width=956&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa1a167d7cdc99991fb28d9df64286a2d58236b7

the highest he ever placed on the season was 33rd

His special flag was the Confederate flag. NASCAR is apparently against slavery.

whoever running nascar account is a murderer

comment image?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993ca74a0a332e98dc3adababd27abd08c31c5bc

Ray Ciccarelli, more like Ray Cist-arelli

Imagine the self importance crushing you when your own league doesn’t know who you are. Savagery al dente

The Special Flag is encoded in this image’s lost pixels, true story

comment image?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10c117729fdc5791dde263a53f63f56c948aa089

For those wondering, he’s referring to the Furry pride flag.

As much as I hope this is true, I gotta see the actual tweet before believing nascar said this

A special flag for a special boy. Go real fast and turn left for the south!

Dude got fucking rekt by NASCAR THEMSELVES. I’m surprised I’ve never heard about this dude immediately going on a right-wing-podcast tour railing on NASCAR for being woke liberal sissies or some bullshit


No one is trying to celebrate a loser flag.

And if it’s about your heritage, then your whole family is a bunch of losers too. Every descendant absolute loser – oh wait your last name is Ciccarelli…

Hmm Italian…you know Italians were not considered “white” for a time? The very flag you flew would have trampled on your ancestors.

He has no idea how bad he’s making himself look.

omfg deaddddd 😭 this def belongs in r/clevercomebacks 😭

I will use these words against those who tread loudly. We get it, you like attention, and it is getting annoying.

“Special” flag? What an asshole…

They’re all over the place at tracks in Dixie

He’s immature, “special flag”, like really is the dude thinking on a grade school level.

tough world out there for Bo Duke

Good lord this image has been thru the ringer.

It is crispy.

Hahahah ‘they won’t let me fly my official Racist Loser flag so imma be a little bitch about it’ lmao

Never forget how Dale Earnhardt (essentially a God to these people) [cut the Confederate flag off of his truck]( because his housekeeper asked. This guy wishes he could even be close to what Dale was. He’s not dead, he’s just a lap ahead.

Did they bring it up why he came back?


Where the hell did they put all the pixels?!

Ngl. I was done with nascar after this. It wasn’t the fact that it was banned, but more so that they didn’t actually want to ban it. They only wanted to please one of their drivers and some fans. To keep their money flowing.

Not very classy

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