You’re grossly unattractive btw

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“Guys are dicks. Also you’re ugly”

I don’t understand why anyone would give a fake number to such a lovely person

aaand found out why he gave her a fake number

Should’ve replied with: “Now i understand why you got a fake number”.

Nah, dude looks great. Femcel never gonna find happiness with that attitude.

He’s alright looking.

I’d bang him.

She’s angry and feeling rejected so lashing out at any dude. Femcel right there

Catching strays from a wrong number, that’s just fantastic

Bro looks like the average Joe or maybe even slightly better than average. That ain’t really ugly. People have overinflated standards of beauty. Over 70% of American people are overweight or obese and that figure is roughly 56%.

I think he’s cute

Calling him “grossly unattractive” is a bit of an overstatement. Even if you don’t find him attractive he isn’t disgusting.. He looks like a normal dude?

People are so cruel for literally no reason at all

What am I even looking at?  That guy is so cute. 

‘No wonder he gave you a fake number.


All jokes aside the dude is super cute


If I wasn’t the man I was I’d gladly go out with a guy as handsome as him.

Imagine admitting you just had a one night stand and then calling someone “grossly unattractive.” Zero self awareness lmao

He looks OK to me.

“Guys are dicks,” then proceed to be a knob

Americans are allergic to self-reflection, I swear

People in the comments getting mad at obviously fake texts. Just breath

Wonder if Andrew can hear the ricochet from the bullet he dodged. 

“not unattractive enough to be getting fake numbers given to me tho”

Andrew sounds like a smart man

Was her next text “I have a bf”

“Now I see why Andrew gave you the wrong number…”

Well you’re probably not any kinda prize if Andrew is giving you fake numbers

fwiw, i think you are a handsome guy!

Aside from her being a dick, he’s looking alright?? Or is it me? Like the guy isn’t a movie star but he isn’t “grossly unnatracrive” either.

She isn’t only a jerk, she’s a delusional man-hating jerk!

Catching strays

“Nvm, I can see why he gave you a fake number”

Hes not unattractive thougu


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