“You’re not the President and you need to go away”

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Trump doesn’t have control over his employees. 

Part of the plan to get rid of useless government employees.

Musk we ask the question of who is in charge?

Trump knows. He either:

1) conspired with Musk and is lying about the whole thing

2) doesn’t care what Musk does

3) all of the above

Demented fantasy theory: Elon’s son is not actually his son. It’s a demon walking around as a child and doing a good job of it. Boogers and all. And when he says shit like that, it becomes reality.

That meeting was recorded, right?

Just two fascists discussing fascist things.

It’s so he can deny knowing what they’re doing. Ofc he knows lmao. “Never heard of the guy, never met him, I don’t know about him at all”.

You think Donald Trump, the most petty, insecure President of the all time, doesn’t have people around him that would tell him?! Get real.

It’s odd how right wing Americans are conspicuously silent on Trump being publicly cucked by an African

Hatch Act

I know that people are joking about this, but consider that we have it all wrong in our Hitler parallel. Maybe Trump is not Hitler – maybe he is Hindenberg, the dottering ineffective leader who gave Hitler his power.

And wouldn’t Musk then be the Hitler role?

Uhoh. Musk is talking to the boss behind Trump’s back!

No one wants to work anymore..

I read this in Internet Historian’s voice.

[sounds about right](https://www.vcinfodocs.com/)

He knows.

Just fascist things

Last I heard it was illegal for citizens to perform diplomacy. Oh right laws don’t matter for the rich.

The fact he hasn’t sent Elon packing yet when he has for so many others when they annoy him means there is all kinds of compromising dirt on Trump. Trump is a puppet now.

Did vlad share his blackmail with Elmo?


Didnt he just proclaim a recent edict directly related to government employees communicating with foreign leadership? [https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/02/one-voice-for-americas-foreign-relations/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/02/one-voice-for-americas-foreign-relations/)

Agree with the text but Hide the Pain Harold is not the right meme format for this.

You can almost hear the Heritage Foundation collectively licking their eyebrows

You ever work at a job. Suddenly, you have no responsibilities, and another person is managing your workload. You haven’t been fired, but you’re not being asked for status on things.

That and since, by virtue of being the elected president, Musk needs Trump to occupy the metaphorical Golden Throne and sign things.

i guarantee you a transgender person made this meme and has a horrible relationship with their father

Not funny.

He might find out in his next scheduled 1:1.

This meme has lost its way…

Wait, he met with Modi without Trump’s knowledge? Is that what’s being said here? Can I get a source for that?

Also, am I the only one that really can’t hear what exactly Musk’s kid said in the first half? I can clearly hear, “need to go away,” but the first part of the sentence is pretty much unintelligible to me. Still a really weird thing to have your kid around and having him say that to the president, to be clear.

Art of the deal, king of the castle


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