I actually didn’t know the meaning of woke before as people continuously used it as a slur. I associated it with something bad. The other day, i googled the meaning and wondered how it got turned into a negative word? I am against injustice and believe that everyone is equally important. it’s weird how it’s used as a slur.
20 days ago
Anything they don’t like falls under the word woke. This anonymous response is how we all need to respond when they throw out the word like it’s an insult.
20 days ago
People who use “woke” as a slur are just putting their hatred of others on display. When did it become offensive to care about people other than ourselves?
20 days ago
I think the biggest clue was when they declared antifa their biggest enemy. So the anti fascist protesters are your biggest enemy. Got it.
20 days ago
The response nails the current meaning of “woke” but it’s actually much deeper than that.
The term was first used over 100 years ago during civil rights movements. When black people were fighting for their rights and political representation. It didn’t really expand to cover all minorities, LGBTQ, and women until the 2000s.
So being anti-woke is really just saying you’re a racist, sexist, homophobic piece of shit.
20 days ago
We have a saying in our country roughly translated as : “Once you open your eyes, you won’t close it again”.
It can be translated as well as enlightened, so Coup Klux Klaners stay ignorant.
20 days ago
Of course conservatives will you this word as a slur, it embodies values absolutely opposite to theirs since they all are hateful, misogynist, racists cunts. It’s also hilarious how conservative women hate feminists and how they all do it with god on their foul mouths
20 days ago
All woke means, is not being an asshole
20 days ago
Woke, awake, aware. Some are afraid to face reality, and would rather remain blissfully ignorant.
20 days ago
Solid dunk. Good job, YourAnonNews
20 days ago
Imagine siding with Nazis. Pathetic skid marks on society they are
20 days ago
I heard that word in my community and it always meant “stay aware.” Erykah Badu even has a song that says something like “if you want it you can have it BUT STAY WOKE.” Pursue your dreams but STAY AWARE that people will try to destroy you, take your success away. I heard that until 2018-ish????? All of a sudden Marvel/Disney movies were labeled “woke.” Im like…y’all know what that means…right????
20 days ago
It’s so sad that it’s become a negative term as I’d suggest wokeness primarily means “showing empathy and kindness towards others” which I’m pretty sure it’s a fairly important part of that religion thing right wingers constantly use to justify their most appalling actions
20 days ago
The enlightenment period is what ushered in modernity. Woke is just another word for enlightened
20 days ago
Had a convo with supervisor at my last job (carpentry) after he’d been using it a lot. Talked about how ‘woke’ started as ‘stay woke’ as in don’t fall for corporate and government pandering
Which he agreed with, but saw pretty much *everything* as just pandering. And of course inherently harmful to children
20 days ago
Everyone I work with is a right wing nut and throw around words like woke and illegals, etc. I want so badly to talk to these guys but I realize it’d just be a waste of breath. What’s so difficult or wrong about being a decent human being?
20 days ago
It has always been and will always be about white supremacy for Republicans. Thats literally all they care about
20 days ago
We’ve been through something similar here where I live, with the word “Lacre”, which previously meant similar to “slay queen”, when you owned someone, usually in the social and political fields. They started calling social activist “lacradores” as a form of derogatory sarcasm and it became a slur. It’s so funny the right strategy of overusing shit until that narrative becomes the truth (see overused Pepe the frog)
20 days ago
I am just glad republicans are done with that fake 1776 patroitism bullcrap. They can finally admit they wanted to be subjects of the crown. They can finally be openly cuckold by the wealthy nobles.
20 days ago
The slur used to be “social justice warrior” once upon a time. I can see why “woke” would be more popular.
20 days ago
Daaaamn. New copypasta just dropped.
20 days ago
Dude, you got roasted by anonymous directly lmao 🤣 just stfu and get off the internet before your whole neighborhood knows your search history lmao
20 days ago
I’m dying to know how bro responded
20 days ago
My favorite irony about it is that the word literally comes from the idea that hatred is something you are either brainwashed into or default to because you are blinded by your own ignorance around how systemic oppression works. In other words, you are asleep to the reality of the world and it isn’t until you learn about others experiences (LGBTQ, other races, other class struggles, other countries etc.) that you “wake up” to the real world.
When you refuse to educate yourself and use woke as a slur you’re admitting you’re still choosing to live in comfortable ignorance. It’s such an ironic self-own that is so on the nose it’s nearly cringe.
20 days ago
I can promise you they didn’t read all that.
20 days ago
This is not current.
20 days ago
Funny I thought it meant to awake from sleep and to start carrying out our day…. 🤷♂️
20 days ago
Words have no meaning and are useless at this point. As much as I’d like to deny it, time has come for violence.
20 days ago
If you use woke as slur then you have fallen into the propaganda of the class warfare, and are very, very, much asleep.
20 days ago
Yeah it’s such a crying shame that there are some people that are totally oblivious to their surroundings and get called evil things when they just want to do and believe their own things.
20 days ago
I just want people not to have hardships and have the best opportunities possible for them to have a good life. I don’t understand why this concept pisses so many people off. Their skin color or how they live has no effect on your personal life. They aren’t the ones slipping their hand in to your wallet.
20 days ago
The first time I read woke on the Internet was on 4chan in like 2013 and it was related to glowies and not being a sheep.
It was basically the opposite meaning of today.
20 days ago
If you disagree with me you are a nazi.
Facts 👍
20 days ago
These people are so stupid they still say “antifa’ like it’s a slur. They consider people who are anti-fascist as their *enemy*.
20 days ago
I’m not woke. I’m just a considerate person who was raised (in and by Americans) to love thy neighbor. Remember this line Christina faks?!?
20 days ago
I blame racist gamers for the transformation of this word
20 days ago
Oh god yes. Please start poking at anonymous. It would really trigger me, as a lib!!! I’d be so owned!!!
20 days ago
Woke – aware of one’s surroundings and potential unreasonable hatred?
Sounds terrible.
20 days ago
Ah yes. Two (probably) white people squabbling over the origination of the whitewashed word “woke”
20 days ago
Was anonymous always this cringe? Damn
20 days ago
You all need to realize they win when you play defense.
Don’t “educate” them. They know all this shit.
That last line, “Don’t hide, just come out and say it, you’re a Nazi” was perfect.
20 days ago
I really like the song “gays 4 trump”
The irony really shines
20 days ago
The far left gets to redefine genders to mean whatever their imagination fancies. Woke now has another definition as poorly defined as that. Yeah they both are ridiculous
20 days ago
The problem with WOKE is that y’all never rest, and you need to sleep on some shit.
Just like sleep deprivation, staying “woke” for too long leads to hallucinations and delusional thoughts. A disconnection from reality. You see and hear things that aren’t really there. In the case of woke, what happens is your start attributing motives that aren’t really there. You see racism in everything. Everyone is a bigot or a phobe of some sort.
I used to have a friend who got into meth, and one morning he told me that the cops had surrounded the house… But that wasn’t true. There were no police anywhere .. just paranoid delusions from staying awake too long. It’s kinda the same thing as being “woke.” He saw police where there were none… Wokied see racism, homophobia, etc where there really is none.
You can be aware of injustices and overall shitty things, but if you stay “woke” too long, you start looking through closets, under the bed .. you start accusing people of motives, and generally acting crazy.
Too much social activism, staying “woke,” makes people act like insane drug addicts. It’s annoying and in some cases dangerous to everyone else. Just like a meth head thinks the world is out to get them, the wokies act the same. They have these delusions that the world is out to get them, that the cops are right outside. And it doesn’t help that many of the people who act this way are in fact on some sort of drug. Prescription medications are drugs and can often have severe side effects. So you take depression, anxiety, medication/drug use and a hyperfixation on all sorts of social issues, and all off a sudden it seems like a real good idea to cut your own hair, and record yourself crying on the internet .
And that’s what people associate with being “woke.” The paranoid, delusional weirdos with awful haircuts who upload TikToks of themselves crying about nonsense.
If you have a social issue you want to help with, cool. But shaving one side of your head, dying the rest a shade of slime green, crying and yelling at everyone around you about how racist and xenophobic they are isn’t gonna help anyone. That’s what people mean when they talk about “woke.” Annoying weirdos who shouldnt have access to scissors.
20 days ago
Someone finally defined it!
20 days ago
Even THAT person got the definition WRONG
Woke has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING other than being aware of BLACK FOLKS oppression and injustice, past and present.
Nothing more, nothing less
It has NOTHING to do with these latch on causes of feminism, trans or LGBT etc etc. That’s what diluted the slang us BLACK folks created DECADES ago and the conservatives have used it against US due to that.
20 days ago
Same way MAGA got turned into a slur. Make America Great Again.
I actually didn’t know the meaning of woke before as people continuously used it as a slur. I associated it with something bad. The other day, i googled the meaning and wondered how it got turned into a negative word? I am against injustice and believe that everyone is equally important. it’s weird how it’s used as a slur.
Anything they don’t like falls under the word woke. This anonymous response is how we all need to respond when they throw out the word like it’s an insult.
People who use “woke” as a slur are just putting their hatred of others on display. When did it become offensive to care about people other than ourselves?
I think the biggest clue was when they declared antifa their biggest enemy. So the anti fascist protesters are your biggest enemy. Got it.
The response nails the current meaning of “woke” but it’s actually much deeper than that.
The term was first used over 100 years ago during civil rights movements. When black people were fighting for their rights and political representation. It didn’t really expand to cover all minorities, LGBTQ, and women until the 2000s.
So being anti-woke is really just saying you’re a racist, sexist, homophobic piece of shit.
We have a saying in our country roughly translated as : “Once you open your eyes, you won’t close it again”.
It can be translated as well as enlightened, so Coup Klux Klaners stay ignorant.
Of course conservatives will you this word as a slur, it embodies values absolutely opposite to theirs since they all are hateful, misogynist, racists cunts. It’s also hilarious how conservative women hate feminists and how they all do it with god on their foul mouths
All woke means, is not being an asshole
Woke, awake, aware. Some are afraid to face reality, and would rather remain blissfully ignorant.
Solid dunk. Good job, YourAnonNews
Imagine siding with Nazis. Pathetic skid marks on society they are
I heard that word in my community and it always meant “stay aware.” Erykah Badu even has a song that says something like “if you want it you can have it BUT STAY WOKE.” Pursue your dreams but STAY AWARE that people will try to destroy you, take your success away. I heard that until 2018-ish????? All of a sudden Marvel/Disney movies were labeled “woke.” Im like…y’all know what that means…right????
It’s so sad that it’s become a negative term as I’d suggest wokeness primarily means “showing empathy and kindness towards others” which I’m pretty sure it’s a fairly important part of that religion thing right wingers constantly use to justify their most appalling actions
The enlightenment period is what ushered in modernity. Woke is just another word for enlightened
Had a convo with supervisor at my last job (carpentry) after he’d been using it a lot. Talked about how ‘woke’ started as ‘stay woke’ as in don’t fall for corporate and government pandering
Which he agreed with, but saw pretty much *everything* as just pandering. And of course inherently harmful to children
Everyone I work with is a right wing nut and throw around words like woke and illegals, etc. I want so badly to talk to these guys but I realize it’d just be a waste of breath. What’s so difficult or wrong about being a decent human being?
It has always been and will always be about white supremacy for Republicans. Thats literally all they care about
We’ve been through something similar here where I live, with the word “Lacre”, which previously meant similar to “slay queen”, when you owned someone, usually in the social and political fields. They started calling social activist “lacradores” as a form of derogatory sarcasm and it became a slur. It’s so funny the right strategy of overusing shit until that narrative becomes the truth (see overused Pepe the frog)
I am just glad republicans are done with that fake 1776 patroitism bullcrap. They can finally admit they wanted to be subjects of the crown. They can finally be openly cuckold by the wealthy nobles.
The slur used to be “social justice warrior” once upon a time. I can see why “woke” would be more popular.
Daaaamn. New copypasta just dropped.
Dude, you got roasted by anonymous directly lmao 🤣 just stfu and get off the internet before your whole neighborhood knows your search history lmao
I’m dying to know how bro responded
My favorite irony about it is that the word literally comes from the idea that hatred is something you are either brainwashed into or default to because you are blinded by your own ignorance around how systemic oppression works. In other words, you are asleep to the reality of the world and it isn’t until you learn about others experiences (LGBTQ, other races, other class struggles, other countries etc.) that you “wake up” to the real world.
When you refuse to educate yourself and use woke as a slur you’re admitting you’re still choosing to live in comfortable ignorance. It’s such an ironic self-own that is so on the nose it’s nearly cringe.
I can promise you they didn’t read all that.
This is not current.
Funny I thought it meant to awake from sleep and to start carrying out our day…. 🤷♂️
Words have no meaning and are useless at this point. As much as I’d like to deny it, time has come for violence.
If you use woke as slur then you have fallen into the propaganda of the class warfare, and are very, very, much asleep.
Yeah it’s such a crying shame that there are some people that are totally oblivious to their surroundings and get called evil things when they just want to do and believe their own things.
I just want people not to have hardships and have the best opportunities possible for them to have a good life. I don’t understand why this concept pisses so many people off. Their skin color or how they live has no effect on your personal life. They aren’t the ones slipping their hand in to your wallet.
The first time I read woke on the Internet was on 4chan in like 2013 and it was related to glowies and not being a sheep.
It was basically the opposite meaning of today.
If you disagree with me you are a nazi.
Facts 👍
These people are so stupid they still say “antifa’ like it’s a slur. They consider people who are anti-fascist as their *enemy*.
I’m not woke. I’m just a considerate person who was raised (in and by Americans) to love thy neighbor. Remember this line Christina faks?!?
I blame racist gamers for the transformation of this word
Oh god yes. Please start poking at anonymous. It would really trigger me, as a lib!!! I’d be so owned!!!
Woke – aware of one’s surroundings and potential unreasonable hatred?
Sounds terrible.
Ah yes. Two (probably) white people squabbling over the origination of the whitewashed word “woke”
Was anonymous always this cringe? Damn
You all need to realize they win when you play defense.
Don’t “educate” them. They know all this shit.
That last line, “Don’t hide, just come out and say it, you’re a Nazi” was perfect.
I really like the song “gays 4 trump”
The irony really shines
The far left gets to redefine genders to mean whatever their imagination fancies. Woke now has another definition as poorly defined as that. Yeah they both are ridiculous
The problem with WOKE is that y’all never rest, and you need to sleep on some shit.
Just like sleep deprivation, staying “woke” for too long leads to hallucinations and delusional thoughts. A disconnection from reality. You see and hear things that aren’t really there. In the case of woke, what happens is your start attributing motives that aren’t really there. You see racism in everything. Everyone is a bigot or a phobe of some sort.
I used to have a friend who got into meth, and one morning he told me that the cops had surrounded the house… But that wasn’t true. There were no police anywhere .. just paranoid delusions from staying awake too long. It’s kinda the same thing as being “woke.” He saw police where there were none… Wokied see racism, homophobia, etc where there really is none.
You can be aware of injustices and overall shitty things, but if you stay “woke” too long, you start looking through closets, under the bed .. you start accusing people of motives, and generally acting crazy.
Too much social activism, staying “woke,” makes people act like insane drug addicts. It’s annoying and in some cases dangerous to everyone else. Just like a meth head thinks the world is out to get them, the wokies act the same. They have these delusions that the world is out to get them, that the cops are right outside. And it doesn’t help that many of the people who act this way are in fact on some sort of drug. Prescription medications are drugs and can often have severe side effects. So you take depression, anxiety, medication/drug use and a hyperfixation on all sorts of social issues, and all off a sudden it seems like a real good idea to cut your own hair, and record yourself crying on the internet .
And that’s what people associate with being “woke.” The paranoid, delusional weirdos with awful haircuts who upload TikToks of themselves crying about nonsense.
If you have a social issue you want to help with, cool. But shaving one side of your head, dying the rest a shade of slime green, crying and yelling at everyone around you about how racist and xenophobic they are isn’t gonna help anyone. That’s what people mean when they talk about “woke.” Annoying weirdos who shouldnt have access to scissors.
Someone finally defined it!
Even THAT person got the definition WRONG
Woke has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING other than being aware of BLACK FOLKS oppression and injustice, past and present.
Nothing more, nothing less
It has NOTHING to do with these latch on causes of feminism, trans or LGBT etc etc. That’s what diluted the slang us BLACK folks created DECADES ago and the conservatives have used it against US due to that.
Same way MAGA got turned into a slur. Make America Great Again.