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Forget Java 19, those pants are running Fortran

Nobody should be upgrading to Java 19 right now. Either go straight to the latest (23) or go for thet last LTS (21)

There is Java 19?

I’m stuck in 8!

Clearly. Nothing is tailored to suit them.

I thought the latest LTS is 21?

~~to Java 19~~

past Java 8

With the way fashion trends are going this could quite easily be the newly-hired graduate engineer nowadays.

I thought then you are a General in North Korea

And he is right, you should only upgrade to LTS versions

No boss, we gotta switch to kotlin pleaaaaase

Java 19 exists? I mean, makes sense, didn’t jump from 17 to 21 (Minecraft did jump from 17 to 21 tho. Funnily enough, they switched to Java 21 for Minecraft 1.21)

these pants scream “we’re sticking with Java 8 forever” vibes

Why do you need 19 javas? Isn’t 1 enough?

Forget Java versions, I’m still here compiling life on debug mode. Those pants tho? Straight up coding in COBOLs.

People in this thread not realizing it’s a cyclical graph

I had a programming teacher in high school who wore these exact pants. But he wore these weird closed toe sandals that showed off his rotting diabetes foot.

<insert name of 2 minute old frontend framework here>

I’m mantaining a 20 years old web app running Java 4. I dream of Java 8 to be honest

I’m still on java 8


Why would anyone upgrade to Java 19. You either go 17, 21 or bleeding edge which is 23.


That’s a straight up zoot suit

Jesus. I’m having horrible AS400 flashbacks with Limp Bizkit playing in the background of the server room. DO NOT TOUCH MY PUKA SHELL NECKACE!

Why would you update to a version that’s no longer supported anyway?

Ops pants look like that! 21 is the current long term support version with 23 being the latest. 

those pants say you stick enough characters in the text field and that ‘corporate’ app is coming down

we shifted from java 8(spring boot 2..) to 21 (spring boot 3..) this year

You know this guy constantly pulls up his pants like a Chris Farley character

That’s what I imagine Ed Asner’s pants and feet looked like.

so you’re saying there’s versions after 11?

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