Yu will live in ze pods, yu will eat ze ultra processed food, yu will get diabetes and yu will be happy

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Why stop at diabetes? Letโ€™s throw in some artificial happiness injections while weโ€™re at it

Is this secret society in the room with us?

Is this illuminati currently in room with us?

Don’t worry, Chad will be back after a couple weeks because he couldn’t find any food or clean water.

There is no secret cabal. This is just how capitalism functions. The system is working as designed. And it’s designed like a barbed fuck machine.

This is kind of like vegans who complain about emissions from livestock, ignoring the ~90% of global emissions from other sources. It also ignores that methane is a short-term greenhouse gas that, while potent, quickly breaks down while carbon emissions last for centuries or millennia.

However, this meme is extremely dumb because overhunting IS a huge cause of ecological damage and habitat destruction, and the hunter gatherer lifestyle is unsustainable for the number of people alive today. Unless you’re advocating for a global massacre of literal billions of people, this is an unrealistic solution.

I’m not sure who this meme is making fun of and at this point I’m afraid to ask

In some country’s there is illegal to go live in wilderness?

Yes letโ€™s go back to the time when only the local lords and his entourage of nobility could hunt and would remove your fingers if you were caught doing the same. Having to get a hunting license is oppressive

Both are criminally insane, you know?

Cutting down a forest is a horrible crime against nature.

Allowing people your preferred lifestyle would be quicker still. And drive wildlife to extinction in one generation.

I like how they make movies to make you fearful of living alone in the forest

You’re going off the deep end


We are forbidden from returning to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. The Rich elites need their slave force.

You are blowing this out of proportion.

I mean how ba-

How bad could it-

How ba-

This is why I never care about environmental protection. Because if the world doom, I can just die and wonโ€™t have to work tomorrow and the rich will suffer at least a little.

“If you learn to grow your own food, why would you need to spend $200+ on groceries? Go to fucking jail, dawg.”

Ruby Ridge is one of the many reasons not to trust feds

1. We are not doing that to the citizens
2. It is being done a little bit but it’s not that big of a deal.
3. We are absolutely doing that, and that’s a good thing, Here’s why.
4. If you don’t embrace us doing this you are a bigot, a climate denier and a white nationalist.

Banks casually printing trillions of dollars.

IRS: This is fine.

Worker getting a $20 tip.



Illuminati is a chill one, every time I see a triangle, I canโ€™t help but think: Is this a sign? lol

See thats where your mistake is, you are asking for moving and not deforestation. Next time be to the point and ask like greedy pig oink oink

Wants to be hunter gatherer, but can’t even afford hundreds of acres to hunt and gather on – pathetic!! It’s almost as if society has collectively decidedthere is better purpose to these resources.


My brother works in wildlife management and he encourages people to hunt because without it thereโ€™s too many deer and they starve. But hunt with the proper permits

Who’s Yu?

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