Yup only murica can be considered as the ‘world’

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Ok, just a small list for Aliens:

Thor 1: Scandinavia
Thor 2: UK
The Avengers: Germany
Infinity War: Wakanda
Shang Shi: China (alien technology found there)

If you do now villains as a whole the list will be a lot longer with countries that are not the US, because many movies are shown in different lands.

I mean, iron man starts in the Middle East and Captain America fights Nazis in Europe.

You’ve never watched an MCU movie have you? 😂

The MCU has so many movies set outside the US, though.

People not from North America, is it true you really exist?

It’s missing The Eifel Tower, Big Ben, Sydney Opera House, Mt Fuji and Wakanda.

This has changed long

Hating america isn’t a personality trait babe

People should’ve known Mysterio was bullshit from the beginning

His monsters attacked other areas that aren’t New York

Meanwhile the aliens in Doctor who see only Whales or England, or maybe Scottland, on occasion.

Imagine this piece of shit movie if it was filmed in ruzzia or africa or India. Only US can give us a real show

In real life too and don’t forget about the 240p recordings 😭

why would alien need to conquer the 3rd world

that would be like a lion eating a weak prey

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