Zuckerberg is truly copying Elon in all aspects of

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Elon and Mark are just trying to get daddy to notice them.

They should ask Don Jr & Eric for some tips

He is such a vile rat fucker.

While I think much of the gender roles in our society are nonsense and there’s a lot of self-appointed “alpha-males” shouting about various stupid bullshit, I’d say that Android Zuckerberg is one of the least manly people on the planet. The dude struggles to open fucking car-doors, for fucks sake.

Strong PICK ME! vibes

It appears the robot that is Mark Zuckerberg finally acquired a personality.

Unfortunately the personality he acquired is that of a 4Chan incel whose favorite incelfluencer is Andrew Tate.

Nothing hollers masculine energy like a good perm.

He wants to follow in Elon’s footsteps so he can make Meta as successful as X has been….


These guys always felt this way, they just thought they’d lose business by saying it. But it’s becoming the cool thing to say online now so they feel safe embracing the whole “alpha male” personality they think they embody.

This has always been Zuckerberg. I mean Facebook was created for misogynists and with Trump in power, he doesn’t need to hide what he is

I am genuinely curious in what Priscilla thinks of all of this.

Have billionaires always been such LOSERS?

You know I was thinking about this the other day. Everything about this dude screams divorced dad energy lately. From his awful hair to his current wardrobe shift. Next thing he’s going to start posing about how good Five Finger Death Punch is

He has three daughters too.
He just attacked Apple too. What a femmy company that is, eh, Zuckyboy? What a piece of shit.

I hated facebook since the first day I joined. My family used it to plan family vacations, as our family lives in several different states. Now we just do it by group text, and I don’t have a reason to use it. I’m glad I deleted this POS.

Neither of these dimwits have an ounce of masculinity in them. Why can’t they be like other mega wealthy people and be content to own a member of congress or a SCOTUS justice and keep their mouths shut?

Never looked at him and saw someone “masculine,” LMAO. He’d be an incel without his billions.

another mid-life crisis becomes everyone’s problem

Is the masculine energy in the room with us?


He’s insidious

What he’s doing in Hawaii and how he’s changed to get rid of fact checking because trump is back is Elon musk levels

How can u let idiots like flerfers spout bullshit everyone knows is false but not fact check them?

To OP, there is a divorce rumor in some foreign language social media

This is the dude that started a website to judge people by their looks. He’s always been a chad

This Fuck Boi version of Zuck with his black shirt and gold chain and messy hair is even more punchable than robot Zuck. He looks like he is about to go sell some 20 sacks of schwag to some highschoolers.

Lolololol, this little Silicon Valley pipsqueak. I don’t care how much boxing training he’s had, most 6 foot average men could fold this scrawny child in a street fight. So so so so tired of these little shits thinking they know what masculinity and toughness was. It’s so clearly run of the mill male fragility and insecurity. Real men don’t hate women, and real men don’t have to run around talking about “masculinity”, they just fucking exhibit it. What a complete dork.

I hope Aaron Sorkin is getting this all into a script so he and Jesse Eisenberg can thoroughly embarrass him again. *The Social Network II: The Complete Meltdown*, anyone?

I wonder who they will cast as Musk and Trump?

A lot of “alpha” males doing a lot of following

This new “alpha” male gang of elon, zuck, rogan, etc.. really are a bunch of absolute whiney bitch. “The female energy has taken over. Wah wah wah!”

Says the ivy league trust fund kid with the permed hair.

reverse virtue signaling. What is the best word?

Making a show of spite

he doesn’t even have to actually hold these values, just trying to join the club.

It’s a shame they never actually had their MMA fight.

Fuck zuck

Imagine being sexist just to suck up to Donald fucking Trump

That acoustic cover of Get Low was a last ditch effort to save his marriage.

My *checks notes* “feminine energy” doesn’t need his Anti-DEI, Trump grubbing, crappy ad filled, information scraping site. This just reinforced my choice to leave FaceBook.

Dude is so fucking weird. People just want to go to work, do their job and leave. He needs to get out of his bubble and come back to the real world

The New ALPHA MARK: “Me too guys!”

He looks like if Todd Howard was several weeks past the best-by date.

He finally grows into his haircut and his man suit and now he’s an authority on gender dominance? Fucking curly haired clown

Soon MySpace Tom is gonna come out of the woodwork with nazi ss lightning bolts tattooed on his arms.

The Hypebeast firmware was buggy so he’s going with a incel patch, let’s see how this works out…

I don’t see anything manly about either one of them.

Their next move is literally bringing Andrew Tate back into the fold

This is the dumbest timeline

He is going to buy tik tok.

So weird to see Zuck take a backseat to attention for a while and everyone stopped making lizard jokes, and people even started liking him for beefing with Elon, then he just pisses it all away trying to be Elondrew Tate for….? Profit?

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