Don’t let them tell you Trump won by a landslide.

By wildyam
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It’s still a crisis of stupidity that 75M US voters thought electing that pos was a good idea

Lots of triggered republicans here. Yawn. Don’t worry you’re very, very smart and orang daddy loves you.

The worst part is that he won…

One of the smallest winners (2024) and the biggest loser (2016). Fitting.

Only landslide was in his diaper.

Based on this, Obama had more of a mandate than Trump had. What made it right that the proto-MAGA (sorry, tea party) just got to block him at every turn?


Just tell Maga that Jimmy Carter won by more.

What are you talking about….he won by like 90%! I’m sure the democrats cheated and dead people voted and illegals voted etc….right? Lol

70% of the country didn’t vote for the guy who will be our next president.

Yay democracy!

1.7 thats about right for ‘Tiny’ eh?

Fuck humanity. I *truly* hope climate change or an asteroid or a solar flare wipes the stain of our existence clean off this wonderful planet.

It’s still embarrassing how we elected an idiot

I had forgotten how big of a victory Nixon had for his 2nd term, pretty impressive for a President during the most unpopular foreign war in the history of the country.

Also Elon musk helped him win the swing states with Starlink. Seems like you guys should be investigating that.

I want to hear he was caught in one.

A win is a win. Trump has ALL 3 branches of government, and the votes to pass most agenda items.

You would think you losers would learn from the drubbing you got from the election, but this mental gymnastics you do is why MOST of the electorate have tuned you out. The verdict was clear and resounding: he swept ALL the swing states, won the POPULAR vote, held the House and retook the Senate. If a Dem did that, even with a slim majority like 2020, you’d claim it as a mandate.

Your whining smacks of a sore loser. Sit down. We’ll call on you if we need you. Otherwise, we are going to work…and we have the votes to do it.

Jacqueline Singh the Cybersecurity Lead of the 2020 Biden campaign has written a letter with grave concerns about the 2024 election and the need for a forensic audit

More at the link

Can we just start impeaching him now?

Thank you for this. Graphics are more effective with some folks and this clearly lays it out.

Still a LOT of Americans that are racist, misogynist and dumber than a brain damaged jellyfish though, smh 😒

“By a whiskers”


The day I listen to a Republican without immediately thinking they are absolute morons is the day I die. All they do is lie and project. Isn’t it obvious by now?

Are you winning son?

So let me understand this logic, he won every metric which is the EC (that actually counts towards who wins the presidency), popular vote (Doesn’t actually count who wins but it does determine who is more popular), the house and the senate. The one thing you judge a landslide on is the popular vote which doesn’t actually determine who wins the presidency (see 2016) and he won that yet because it’s not arbitrarily as big of a gape as you say it needs to be for it to be a landslide (what percentage would suffice for it to be a landslide in your eyes, I need actual numbers), you have convinced yourself that because of that it was not a landslide? This is flawed logic because it’s ignoring the important factor that determines the winning and even when you lost the popular vote as well it’s still not enough.

Did I get this right?

And they’re still counting votes. Another month of counting and kamala is sure to win the election.

Lmao considering there’s only been 5 times in recorded history that a Republican won the popular vote, it’s still significant.

But it was the first time, in a good long while the GOP won the popular vote. As previously didn’t Trunp and Bush lose the popular vote.

It’s actually a pretty huge shift

This is a stupid talking point. Dude has control of all three branches of government. Having a “mandate” or not having a “mandate” is irrelevant.

Trump won. Keep coping.

They over exaggerate everything. It starts with their penis size.

I know you’re still hurt. It’s gonna be okay.

You can’t post a made up chart just to make yourself feel better. Cope harder.

Hmm u should ask the senate and the house and who owns them right now. Also look at the swing states and how much he won them :-).

All this but Harris still lost

A win is a win.

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