If you’re alive, your immune system has never lost a war.

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“I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure that when you die, the cancer dies too. That’s not a loss, that’s a draw.”( -Norm Macdonald)

I’m losing a war with norovirus rn. Goodbye, cruel world.

Try autoimmune disease. Loosing battle.

First day fighting flu … it’s been a while and it sucks I slept for 12 hrs

My immune system did kill my pancreas’ insulin production though. I’m still alive by science not with my shitty immune system 

It should say has never lost a battle. We all lose the war.

day 9 of a bad cold checking in. today was a nice mostly easy breathing easy cough kind of day. Im past the hump. good luck everyone else! Stand in the sunlight for 10 mins if you can!

Walking pneumonia. At this point I’d almost like to lose

Some viruses just go guerrilla warfare; lurk, and pop out for random attacks, never truly been beaten.

At the end, it will have been a stalemate, or possibly even a win for the virus if it manages to spread to other battlefields.

Not accurate. Many diseases incorporate themselves into the body permanently. The Herpes viruses like Chicken Pox and Herpes live in your nerves for life once infected. And 8% of your DNA is actually from viruses that infected you or an ancestor.

It kind of fucked with my head when I released that with common sickness you don’t really feel bad because of the sickness but how your body reacts to it

I had a day at work where my throat hurt a little but other than that I was fine could do my job adequately, day later and I had a fever with a runny nose kind of hard to work with food like that

He’s got the dawg in him!

Does it count if antibiotics won the war and the immune system did mop up afterwards

Sometimes you are dead because your immune system killed you

Not always true. My immune system lost a war once. 

So we nuked all my bone marrow and regrew a new one from scratch. 

(Bone marrow transplant.) 

Anyone have the dog and propane tank image?

I once read, that your bodies immunsystem is unaware about your eyes. Those have a separate immune System.
If your body would learn about your eyes, it would fight them.

Suffered some horrendous collateral damage

Is the puppy a cytokine storm?

Some victories can be pyrrhic though. You beat it, but are left permanently damaged in some way, sometimes debilitatingly so.

me randomly having the shits for 3 days straight… fck my immune system. imagine getting up in middle of the night trying to shit nothing because of you shitting all day for 3 nights straight.

Mine dealt with sepsis. We had many battles during that week, and I’ve been told it was touch and go. My immune has been bringing me back from the brink of death sense I was 3, blue in the face with pneumonia. We rock. Sucks our body has been trying to take us out sense birth, wrapping the cord up and then the crazy brain we got dealing with depression and hormones. but 28 and still kicking, so go immune system go!

What about chronic diseases like HIV or Hepatitis B

Unless its like shingles, hiv, covid, or a number of other virus’ that remain in the body

Sigh. You can lose territory.

I remember that Punk’d episode where they get an amateur boxer to spar with some new guy and it turns out to be Oscar De La Hoya. As they’re trying to geek him up for the fight he’s looking at the trainers like “you gotta be kidding me, I can’t fight him.” Then Oscar starts punching himself in the face to get ready and he’s like “he’s punching HIMSELF in the face, what do you think he’s going to do to me?”

*Chemo has entered the chat*


The immune system is wild. Covid? Meh. Let’s have a mild fever that’s barely noticeable and be a little extra tired. A random protein in food? BATTLE STATIONS. CARPET BOMB THE STOMACH, RELEASE THE MEAL, RAISE TEMPERATURE AND ADRENALINE LEVELS TO 103!

even then the immune system might get a little loco essy a little crazy cut its self and gives yourself an autoimmune disease like type 1 diabetes
dont mess with me

Covid, September 23rd 2021. I’ve never in my life been worried about leaving this earth until then. Decided my kid at 10 didn’t want to get the news. Fought for my life for 2 weeks. 103.7 fever for a solid week. O2 dropped to 74% at the lowest. Can’t believe I’m here. All because my kid. And I guess my inner puppy with a lighter.

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