When Christian Bale does it it’s “method acting”

By Esfell
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It wasn’t healthy when Christian Bale did it either which is why it was so shocking to see

This is really sad

is that christian bale?

If anyone hasn’t been alive to see the cycle repeat.

It’s always the same, someone obviously struggling with mental health and eating problems.

Gets a ton of attention for it, most likely a ton of hate mixed with concern and apathetic jokes.

Assures everyone they are healthy and this is who they are and there is no eating problem and frankly all this attention is making their life really difficult.

15 years later: ‘it was an eating disorder, I was mentally unwell and dying and I shouldn’t have denied it’.

New Ariana just dropped
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She is slowly killing herself on camera at this point

Damn that Christian Bale transformation is stunning…

The Substance (2024)


literally y tho

Okay she’s obviously sick. So rather than shame her we’re all wishing someone close to her gets her help, right?


I’m legitimately worried about her health Chadwick Bozeman was also someone that was getting thinner that I noticed and turns out he he had fucking cancer. I really hope she’s doing okay because it’s wild how she looks now.

About to go to rehab for exhaustion

She should stop licking donuts and start eating them

Arianna Venti

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She needs some lasagna

I know she’s a public figure and all that but snapping semi-candid photos of a person and posting it online in scrutiny of their body is kinda a bit much.

This could be a drug problem, as she seems to have energy and good mood but probably has no appetite to eat because stimulants

Hey now, she’s only on the brink of death from anorexia. It’s not like she’s fat or anything, that would be a real tragedy – it could kill her in fifty years!

Christian Bale’s boobies in The Machinist were still bigger

She looks like she is smoking rock

Looks more like (Meth)od acting.

she does not look well, she needs help she clearly has an ED and probably CPTSD

Y’all really didn’t learn after chadwick didn’t you

Remember when everyone was making fun of Chadwick Boseman? Yeah…

She forgot to eat the donuts as well.
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