CEO gets gunned down in the street outside an investor conference. Wow, I bet that’s going to really destroy the stock price

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UNH Doesn’t have to cover his hefty salary and medical bills ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“ˆ

Assassination was priced in

Bullish because they probably had a key man life insurance policy on him and his stock options that hadn’t vested disappear.

I’m going long on Citi stock, shooter rode off on a Citibike, showing how effective bicycles are in getting around NYC. Whether commuting or making a quick get away, Citibike has you covered

My bet is someone was angry their loved one was denied lifesaving care

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Bullish sentiment. It’s what he would have wanted ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


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Damn are gun shot wounds preexisting conditions?

I have United through work and was considering investing because they deny everything the first time. They also jack up the copay for services that are covered, like physical therapy, with no notice. Definitely one of the most greedy insurers.


Gotta respect a company whoโ€™s willing to kill their own to protect their stock price

Damn, maybe if his insurance company approved the bulletproof vest that his doctor prescribed weโ€™d still have one more parasite inflicting suffering on millions.

Oh well.

If a company can drive its customer base into so much debt they resort to assassinating the CEO, that’s an indication of a very strong business model.

Now Tesla investors know what they must do to send it to the moon…

Jeeez, stocks really do only go up.

Iโ€™m not even mad, my premiums went up 700$ a month from this company.

Great, a beginning of a new positive trend for the years to come?

Itโ€™s gonna dip but they wouldnโ€™t do it day ofโ€ฆ

Heโ€™s looking up at us right now ๐Ÿ™

You get fucking murdered and people on the internet are making jokes about it 10 minutes later, itโ€™s a cold world out there

Had he been injured, his insurance probably wouldn’t have covered his hospital bills

In case you didnโ€™t already know United is the worst of the worst

should have killed privatized healthcare instead

The whole thing reeks of insider crime tbh.

But it also pinpoints how much the insurance industry is a scam when the stock price goes up when the CEO is killed. I mean consider that for a moment. A health CARE company. Lol. Aint nobody care about health around those parts.

Somebody wanted that paycheck and were willing to pay someone else to take care of the road block in order to get it.

It was a department CEO, not the CEO of the entire corporation. Bad, but not quite as bad as the headlines were making it out to be.

Iโ€™m not sure the logic between a shooting and effecting the stock price of a health insurance company. The CEO of health insurance companyโ€™s are mainly to put a face to the business as opposed to tech ceo who influence products in a more direct way.

The investor meeting itself probably affected the stock price more than the shooting.

Why would it? Now he can’t testify in the coming trials.

Eat the rich.

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