Martial Law Consequences…

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No consequences for insurrection is what happens when you turn politics into a cult of personality. And where half the country believes their candidate has been sent by God…

Isn’t weird that south Korea is handling politics better than us?

We elect them president.

Does he have a cult like following. If so he’ll be just fine

By the by Garland was such a great pick. May we remember him for the institutionalist milquetoast buttwipe he is.

South Korea making the US look like an outright embarrassment. Seriously one of the worst things Biden did was put that traitor Garland in as AG.

United States is pretty much still the Wild West, just with some extra steps.

Martin Luther King, Jr., reminded us that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

He came damn close to not seeing consequences though. It was quasi-enforces for some hours and the Assembly had to gather outside the legislature buildings. The rest of his party held off initial impeachment by refusing to attend so a quorum couldn’t be reached.

Maybe vote

I’m probably getting nitpicky. Where’s the comeback? I thought comebacks were meant to be retorts to someone else’s statement. This is just an affirmation.

In less than 30 days impeachment and arrest warrant – Garland is the worst attorney general we have probably ever had in the USA

I like Countries that hold their Leaders accountable!

This is amazing. A friend of mine just went home for x-mas break… I can’t wait to ask them about this when they get back.

What consequences? SK have already stated that it will be quite difficult to actually take him into custody. They’ve already tried to investigate and were stopped by their version of Secret Service.

Uno reversed him really good.

If half the politicians and voting population supported the South Korean President would there have been any consequences? 

I know nothing of politics in that country, but this is already seemingly like an apples to oranges comparison. 

It’s called checks and balances like how actions have both consequences and rewards. Depending on one’s actions they get consequences or rewards. We just became a species that base consequences and rewards on whether we like a person or not instead of their actions. Parents do it with their kids, teachers with their students, employers with employees, and apparently citizens have decided to do it with their leaders because their stupid. If someone spits in your face and calls it rain you rip out their tongue and call it an accident.

To be fair, Yoon is using his protective detail to keep the cops at bay and is holed up somewhere. They’ll probably get him in the end, but I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting on exactly when that happens.

Does she mean maidan? (Flag might be throwing me off)

Americans could have voted and not given him a second term which guarantees he will never be brought to justice. That was too difficult apparently for the greatest democracy on earth**™**.

Only happening because everyone is against him.

In America, the politicians protect Trump, the media protects Trump, the billionaires protect Trump, the churches protects Trump, ……

The states is a bunch of pussies.

Only shithole countries dont prosecute the people who try to over throw the will of the people.

Attorney General Garland, are you watching?

MAGA runs the world snowflake. Insurrection, Lol! With what? Flag poles and smartphones.😆

Y’all have no personality at this point

Yep Jan 6 is the worst threat to Democracy!!!!

I like countries that don’t call protests an insurrection just because you hate the protesters

It was one of the most violent and bloody insurrections in human history. And it nearly took down the government. It’s hard to believe this happened in modern day America; I cannot believe these violent murdered aren’t being held to account. The death penalty is too lenient for them.

Ukranian flag detected opinion rejected

Me too. I’m glad something happened when one actually happened.

Watch out Hillary and Joe

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