Minimum Wage

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“just look at the Sunday paper”

These people are not serious.

Yeah, my generation was treated like shit and we loved it, why cant yours /s

The “Sunday paper” oh my god someone please take the computer away from grandpa

Nurses now make a few pence an hour more than minimum wage, despite the level of education needed to register and the magnitude of the responsibility on them. I am not angry at those who are now making money they may be able to live off. I’m angry at the system that doesn’t value those in our society.

You can always tell when someone lives in their own little easy bubble when they mention finding a job in the Sunday paper

Same motherfuckers who drive up to McDonald’s that is understaffed  nObOdY wAnTs tO wOrK 

The Sunday paper?

There are school teachers, who are EXTREMELY VITAL for a society, that barely make enough money and need two jobs to support themselves while corrupt CEOs like Brian Thompson rake in tens of millions of dollars in money by fucking over people who are guaranteed an insurance that they PAID FOR by the way.

When you have a society that hates people for wanting good standard of living and not be in perpetual poverty despite how much hard they work that’s when you realize just how powerful and entrenched oligarchs are in the system.

$15 an hour isn’t even living wage, but yeah that’s having life handed to you.

They’re not mad that someone else is getting crumbs, really, they’re mad that they keep getting moved closer and closer to the poverty line.

Americans are so heavily propagandized

They don’t realise that a rising tide raises all ships, if someone who works minimum wage gets paid the same as an engineer than the engineer can demand more money to compensate for their training and experience.

Sunday paper? I just checked and they still exist. Articles on sport, socialite stuff and features on over the top million dollars houses that none of us will ever be able to buy.

Wow! I love the way that was put! Using it from now on when talking to the pillocks!

Wages could stay the same if housing wasn’t so GD expensive.

Bring back the $300 apartments and $100 total utility bills.

You can tell someone lives in a bubble when they mention finding a job in the Sunday paper.

America – where billionaires step on anyone just to make a cent more.

You know… I would pay to watch a show where we’ll off retired individuals have to go looking for a job again.

Everyone makes to much money but me

The same people when a place has no workers because they all went somewhere else for better pay: “no one wants to work anymore!”

Eat dicks grandpa, we’re starting to realize we don’t need to wait for you fucks to die before we stop doing shit your way.

I can’t wait until every last boomer is dead. These morons all need to go.

As much as I don’t like what he did, Before Louis CK blew himself up with that whole phone-delivered SA masturbation debacle, There was an episode on his show with the two little girls that played his daughters and he Corrected his daughter— when she got mad her sister got more of something on her plate, he told her not to complain about her neighbor having more than her, but to always just be more concerned with whether or not her neighbor had enough.  

That stayed with me 

The minimum wage is the sea level on which all other wages depend. No matter how much they’re paying you now, if you want your salary to rise, you want the minimum wage to rise.

I remember when I first got out of college I got a job that paid $16/hr and the minimum was right around $12/hr. Not much higher, but the idea was after the first year I’d either get a bump or have the experience to go to another position somewhere else that paid more.

My wage didn’t jump after a year, and a few months later minimum went up to $15/hr. Went to my managers and told them I wanted at least $20/hr because minimum went up and a prerequisite to this job was at least a 2 year diploma. They were baffled when I left to another company who paid closer to what I wanted while going back to school to get my degree doing the same job.

I knew it was a systemic problem before, but I really didn’t get just how many people at all positions really fell for it until that moment.

My favorite argument against it is “I worked hard for 15 or 20/hr they didn’t!!”

My friend you work hard to be taken advantage of. If min wage goes up to equal or exceed what you’re making now you have room to go “hey boss pay me more” and if they refuse go work at one of these “easy’ jobs for same pay but less stress

Weakest straw man argument. Hur dur, just pay them a million! Stupid libruls! Proceeds to whine about inflation eroding his paycheck and not being able to fill his f350 dualie with extra fat tires.

According to recent data from the AFL-CIO, the average Fortune 500 CEO makes around $340,000 per week based on a typical annual compensation of approximately $17.7 million, which equates to roughly $268 times the median worker’s income at those companies

Thank you. Billionaires love to watch us poors squabble over nonsense while they rob us.

Profits are just the unpaid wages of the working class

Minimum wage means just that. If the billion dollar company could pay you less, they would. They are literally paying the legal bare minimum

Get a better job? Look at the Sunday paper? Lmao. Truer words have never been spoken by someone that hasn’t applied for a job in over 25 years.

Woah woah calm down. r/genz might be confronted with a scary “thought experiment” if they understood this one.

Get your Sunday paper, a pencil, and your rotary phone.

The absolute brainwashing that has taken place to make people believe businesses cannot afford $35 an hour to everyone is astounding.

Sunday paper?

“The Sunday paper” told me everything I need to know about this dumb fuck. 

This is the fundamental disconnect that people don’t understand about one another. The person in the post *is* actually mad that someone else is making money. They’re mad about it because it represents an upending of the social structure and endangers their place in it. In their worldview there are people who are naturally above them, and there are people who are naturally below them. And that’s how it should stay. They aren’t interested in economic mobility for people they see as ‘beneath’ them. These people are the reason things like the divine rule of kings worked for so long. They are fundamentally opposed to democracy, they want a strong dictator to exist at the top of their pyramid worldview.

Remember: working harder doesn’t guarantee greater success, it just increases your chances. I don’t blame the people who are tired of gambling. Also, great example of the slippery slope fallacy. If society can’t support a $45 an hour minimum wage, that’s fine, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. But I think we have a much better chance at supporting a $15 an hour minimum wage.

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