The accuracy is on point

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I refuse to believe that she is Sandra.

Ok….but that’s not Sandra Bullock

Isn’t that Terry Crews’ wife?

Are you sure that’s Sandra Bullock?

That’s a creature from “From”, can’t convince me otherwise

That’s not Sandra Bullock

Chubb Roc got his celebrities mixed up

“I need to speak to the manager”

Spot on!

Looks like Kim K and Wendy Williams love child

“I want to speak to your Manager”!

I thought that was a Kardashian if I’m honest

this really unintentional ?

One might almost say that the accuracy is… accurate.

I hadn’t even read the about the post and just saw the face and I literally thought about dina fritz lmao

That’s not Sandra. Posh Spice maybe.

This is too spot on

This is what, two years old? She’s had seventeen different haircuts in the meantime and she isn’t even Sandra Bullock.

She looks like Pot of Greed

She looks like the kind of Karen who lets her BFF and fellow wine-mom cut her hair after 6 Mimosas on a Wednesday afternoon since the kids are old enough to walk home from school now.

Subsequently posting this selfie in the same Facebook album that has the “Live, laugh, love” pinterest images with watermarks still attached and the task bar of her iPhone visible at the top of the terrible cropping.

Nice of her to let her kids cut her hair

When you order Sandra Bullock from Temu.

I knew I had seen that terrifying look somewhere before.

Who dat?

Haircut looks like anya from gears of war.

it’s her. Look at the eyes

Dang , yall couldn’t do a side by side?

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Oh that silly Eren

I’m out of the loop.

What’s the political thing she did that now justifies the rampant body-shaming?


That’s a “I’d like to speak to the manager” haircut

Who ever she is….she is future cast for the Titan franchise

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