Well I’ll just see myself out then…

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Once a friend was getting really drunk on fancy drinks and ordered a new one. The bartender asked us if water was a better choice without her knowing. We said yes.

He came back to her with a fancy glass of water with lemons and some herbs (probably mint) it it.


Yeah girl!

We still all laugh about it years after.

If Iโ€™m drunk to the point Iโ€™m cut off, thereโ€™s no way I could read that card.

I’ve always been a fan of ordering another drink and getting a water.. But this seems more to the point ๐Ÿ˜…

Look at that tasteful thickness, the off white egg shell color, the subtly raised lettering.

Thatโ€™s actually kinda nice. No โ€œpublic shamingโ€

โ€œ I have this coupon for a free drinkโ€

You know itโ€™s bad when the card is more polite than you

The print is off centered! ๐Ÿ˜ก

I got cut off at tgifs around 2 in the afternoon. Just saying. You be aight

*cut off

Because drunk people make rational decisions. It’d be more effective if it said “free blowjobs in the parking lot, go now”

I bet that works about 10% of the time

There has never been a time in my life where I was drunk enough to be ‘cut off’ (i’ve gotten VERY drunk at bars, and don’t recall this ever actually happening), and would even notice that card, let alone be able to read that card.

This is actually really cool. Better then the tender being a prick and putting you on display like heโ€™s doing everyone else a favor

Better get into a car and drive off

This card would upset me…
Off centered, and cut off is 2 words in this context. ๐Ÿคฌ

Too much to drink and you hand them something small to read?

I’m guessing these were not made by a drinker.

At best the person you hand it to is going to read it out loud obnoxiously.

Thems is fightinโ€™ words

Now let’s see Paul Allen’s card.

I mean, if it’s standard practice being handed the card is just as visible if not more so than the bartender just telling you.

Shout out West Virginia.

I live in Madison Wisconsin, I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve ever seen anyone here get cut off from drinking unless they started a fight

Look at that subtle off-white colouring. The tasteful thickness of it.

NIGHT looks a little bigger

When I use to tend bar, if someone was getting a little too happy, I’d start “floating” the booze on the top of the drink, but only about 1/4 the amount of a regular drink That way they’d take a sip and be like, “damn that’s strong” without knowing they were really only getting 1/4 of the booze they normally would have.

I feel like we’re missing some key details here. Did you just stumble upon this note or was it handed specifically to you? If latter, what did you do?

I’ve never been cutoff but I’ve had some real good bartenders that have given me a glass of water as a hint. The best one though brought me a plate with a big cheeseburger and fries “Here hon’ this is for you”

Fill up the juke box first.

But why canโ€™t I stay?

Let’s start a collection of cutoff cards.

When a Wisconsinite goes drinking in a different state.

Wow! I have never seen something like this before.

Mmm a bot post.

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